My secrets to growing a crop of sweet carrots

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Carrots refers to basic vegetables diet. It is used in many dishes. In the fresh form it is stored for a long time, so in the winter, provides a human need for vitamins.

Features of growth

1. Carrots require loose and light soil.

2. To use organic fertilizers can not.

3. Suitable for planting areas, which previously was the onions, tomatoes, potatoes, garlic, cabbage.

4. It is sown in early May. Prior to this, the seeds should be soaked in a biological solution, or water.

5. It has small seeds, so planted very densely. This leads to the fact that it is necessary to thin out twice. As a result, the distance between the plants should be 6 cm.

6. It needs constant watering, but not more than twice a week.

stages of cultivation

First you need to choose a location where it will be planted carrots. The soil should be fertile, light and have good drainage. A site for vysazhivaniya- smooth and well-lit. Next, prepare the ground. Earth week before planting loosen, disinfect copper sulfate and watered. After this, the landing site covered film. These measures will help keep moisture in the soil, and give her a chance to warm up. To plant carrots in the soil is necessary until 5 May. In the south it is possible to plant twice: for the summer in March, and the seed and winter in June. Varieties used for this purpose appropriate.

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Before planting the seeds are rinsed with water and stored in a damp cloth. If you do not, the seeds germinate later and they will be less mature. Next prepared seeds are planted in the ground. This is done in the grooves, which are made in beds. The beds before planting seed treated with potassium permanganate. Scatter seeds snake. Beds sheltering film. Further care for morkovyu- thinning, hoeing, weeding, watering and fertilizing. Thinning is started when the first shoots appear. This process is carried out twice. When the plant is 5 sheets, hold fertilizer using mineral fertilizers. Hilling performed after thinning, and then once every two weeks. Watering the plant should be intense and regular, at least 2 times a week. In late September, you can begin harvesting.

The secrets of growing sweet carrots

To carrots grown sweet, without bitterness following actions are necessary:

1. Land for vysazhivaniya- sunny and open.

2. Plant carrots need, where before there were beans, potatoes of early varieties, cucumbers and onion.

3. According to the acidity of the soil should be neutral. This can be achieved by using lime or ashes.

4. Fertilizer is only suitable mineral.

5. Carrots need fertilizing, especially in July and August. To do this, boron and manganese are especially needed. It is these minerals increase by almost half the sugar content of carrots. You can also use wood ash, as it is rich in these elements. Volumes zoly- use half a cup per square meter. Scatter ashes and then the beds are watered abundantly.

6. Three times during the season carrots are fed brine per 1 spoonful of 15 grams of salt. Especially it should be done in August.

7. Also in late August, the tops of the plants must be treated with boric acid per bucket of water 1 tablespoon. As a result of increased sugar content in carrots.

8. For the protection of plants against the main enemy - the carrot flies used tobacco dust. For protection against flies, carrot starts to produce substances which lead to the fact that the roots become bitter. Therefore this protection it is necessary to carry out. Between the rows of carrots sprinkled with this substance. This is done with the thinning of plants.

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