The old woman cleaning the house was 20 years old, because she was able to invent a self-cleaning house

  • Dec 24, 2019

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The old lady of 20 years does not get out, because the invented self-cleaning house.
The old lady of 20 years does not get out, because the invented self-cleaning house.

As you know, many of the great inventions of the simple inhabitants seem unprecedented stupidity, but if they obviously make life easier, becoming increasingly popular. Everyone knows firsthand that the work on the house, the most exhausting and rewarding, especially if the family has children or sluts. But I found a woman who has invented an incredible house and forgot not only about cleaning, but also on the wash for many years!

How it all began

Frances Gabe.
Frances Gabe.

As we would like to live in a clean, while not spending a lot of time and effort for a permanent cleaning and laundry. It's fantastic, you say! But the American Frances Gabe, proved that even such an incredible dream is achievable.

From the very childhood he was extraordinary and curious child, fascinated by technology and the natural sciences.

Back in 1931, Francis externally graduated from Polytechnic College, which allowed her to a good understanding of physics and mechanics.

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With 17 years she had to feed my family because the husband-loser was in constant search of work. But it Francis does not upset, but instead inspired to open their own business to rebuild the destroyed buildings.

As one unpleasant incident prompted the idea of

The work takes a lot of effort and time to clean his home lacked, and the children and husband, with whom she eventually broke up, do not want to do it. Another tantrum about cleaning the kitchen brought Frances to the idea that you can create a home that will be self cleaned.

How would it improbable sound, but she did it. The world saw not only an incredible house that cleans itself, but also the cabinet, erasing dirty things, without removing them from their hangers. It even has shelves for dishes, in which dishes are washed herself, and a fireplace, which gets rid of the ashes of its own.

Frances Gabe is his invention in miniature.
Frances Gabe is his invention in miniature.

On this idea inventor has worked for over twenty years, it was eventually created a fantastic miracle house.

whole basket of patents kept in the house.
whole basket of patents kept in the house.

Total development time she has patented 68 inventions of science fiction, which allow not only to her home to wash, but not least - to dry up.

Creator and her creation.
Creator and her creation.

The biggest part man takes only activating the cleaning system, ie you just put on a raincoat, take an umbrella and click.

I had to do to the house "worked hard"

Exterior of the house.
Exterior of the house.

But that would all turned out, the hostess had to rebuild their own home.
Wall formed from concrete blocks were stacked so that holes in the plates formed a large number of small windows.

Original lighting with an unusual windows.
Original lighting with an unusual windows.

The sun's rays passing through the amber glass, acquiring golden color, created the illusion of a beehive. That enthralled the creator, because it is believed that light must permeate the entire house. The windows are sealed with organic glass, inside which lovely trifle housed.

The floors were made with a slope to the walls, the edges of rooms special gutters to drain water held.

Walls, floors and even the ceiling are covered with a waterproof resin.
The entrance door is made of wood bark strips, filled with resin, that does not allow it to absorb moisture.

The interior of the fantastic home.
The interior of the fantastic home.

All the furniture had to be replaced by a specially designed waterproof materials. She did not even have to give up their paintings and pencil drawings because they are sealed vodonepromokaemym plastic.

Sacrifice needed only carpets, but this is the least inconvenience that can be overcome.

Rotating sprinklers mounted in the ceiling.
Rotating sprinklers mounted in the ceiling.

To do the final cleaning not only requires only a push of a button, starting the rotary sprinklers mounted in the ceiling of each room. In this case, detergent, go directly to the pipe and is distributed throughout the room.

To wash away the dirt with soap and water, it is necessary to click on another button and clean water will wash all. Water flows into the fireplace, at the same time washing out the ashes into the sewer. Then run hot-air drying.

Frances upgraded conventional furniture

Drawing upgraded devices.
Drawing upgraded devices.

So, for washing clothes it was designed by a special cabinet, which serves as a huge washing machine and dryer. It has three compartments, one thing is erased, the other dried, and the third falls have clean clothes, where it is stored.

Even the shelves in the kitchen have a special design, dishes clean and dry with the room.

Garbage chute, which is connected to a garbage can on the street, too, frees himself and cleans.

Frances and her offspring.
Frances and her offspring.

Yes, Francis was able to create a home that her life easier by releasing a huge amount of time to communicate with their children. For twenty years, she has enjoyed her multi-functional and clean the house.

Photos with tourists.
Photos with tourists.

At one time, this unusual house has attracted attention. Creator often invited to various exhibitions and shows, it has been visited by tourists.

Frances Gabe - inventor, artist and just an extraordinary woman.
Frances Gabe - inventor, artist and just an extraordinary woman.

But, unfortunately, this innovative project is not widely used, although open such opportunities for people with disabilities and working mothers.

Frances Gabe died in a nursing home two years ago, at the age of 101 years old survived, her husband and children.

And while we do not have such a home, the main thing to learn quickly and efficiently bring your apartment in order.

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