Once you have completed the strawberry harvesting season, this does not mean that you should forget about it. If you want to get a good harvest next year, you need to take care of this now, namely, to carry out, in addition to the autumn, also summer pruning of strawberries. Such pruning will help to avoid the excessive appearance of green shoots on the bushes, and in the next season there will be a lot of berries.
Is it better to prune strawberries in summer or fall?
It is recommended to carry out the procedure for pruning the leaves of strawberries twice a season. In the summer, it is best to do this when you have already harvested. In this case, as a rule, the antennae are cut off or the strongest are left. The completely green mass is removed if the plant is affected by a fungus.
In the fall, it is necessary to cut off a whole bush, remove green leaves that are affected by the fungus in order to prevent its further development, from which the whole bush can completely die. By pruning this way, you will reduce the risks that could cause the plant to die or stop bearing fruit.
Although many gardeners think differently. They believe that such manipulations with plants are dangerous. But actually no. It is better to remove old spoiled leaves. From them, a fungal disease can easily move to a new one. This cannot be allowed, therefore they resort to pruning.
On a note: the antennae are cut in order to give more strength and nutrients to the fruits and leaves, this has a positive effect on the condition of the bush and the future harvest. If you notice a weak, diseased or damaged leaf in a plant, it is better to get rid of it. It can have a detrimental effect on the condition of the entire bush.
How to trim correctly?
Many summer residents carry out pruning in the second half of June. And this is not entirely correct. The timing for pruning should be based on the climatic conditions of your region. By the cold weather, the plant should have time to build up a green mass. It is better to start autumn pruning in the second half of August, when the bushes will completely stop bearing fruit.
Remember: do not prune in the afternoon, morning or evening - the best time for this. Never do this on a rainy, very sunny, or windy day.
For proper pruning, always use a sharp tool such as scissors or pruning shears. They will not harm the bush. Cut the leaves carefully, without touching the petioles, so you save the growth points.
We process the pruned bush correctly
Since infection may appear at the cut points, they should be properly processed. After you have done all the necessary manipulations, do not forget to water the bushes and loosen the soil. Use a variety of formulations. For example, potassium permanganate diluted in warm water helps well. Just do not overdo it, you should not add a lot of potassium permanganate crystals to the water. The water should be slightly pink in color. You can also spray charcoal or wood ash over the plants. But they must first be crushed well. Re-spraying is permissible, but only after 2-3 days. Special ready-made formulations are also sold, which you can purchase and use according to the instructions.
A good remedy against any insects is "Inta-Vir". You need to process it twice. Helps with weevils and other pests.
Another recommendation is to make a strawberry dressing. Better to buy a universal one. It is diluted in water, for every 10 liters of water - 10 ml of solution. Doing well with its work and ammonium nitrate, as well as any nitrogen fertilizers.
Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.
Read also: Rules for planting strawberries in August