How to check the quality of the ball valve, choosing it on the market or in the shop

  • Dec 24, 2019
How to check the quality of the ball valve.
How to check the quality of the ball valve.

From time to time in the economy appears necessary to replace the ball valve. Only at first glance there are no pitfalls in the procedure.

Today, we are not talking about the repairs, and about what necessarily should pay attention when choosing the said part.

Take the valve on the test. / Photo:
Take the valve on the test. / Photo:

What is neededPermanent magnet small (must be placed inside the faucet)

Just lazy manufacturer is not trying to reduce production costs. The only problem is that fast enough in the pursuit of industrial economies manufacturers are moving to the "dark side."

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As well as possible it is noticeable in the case of ball valves. However, in recent years, manufacturers have figured out how to cheat in question prove that the item is made of silumin.

We are interested in the ball. / Photo:
We are interested in the ball. / Photo:

The essence of the problem is that unscrupulous manufacturers use to create overlapping ball usually black metalls, but must use a variety of stainless steel. To deceive consumers often chromated their surface to become shiny and beautiful.

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This coating indeed some time corrosion protection, but over time, its integrity is violated and begins development corrosive processes.

We put the magnet and try to shake out. / Photo:
We put the magnet and try to shake out. / Photo:

It is here that we need and cooked magnet. He will establish? the material from which made the same shut-off ball. Put a magnet in the valve, and then turns his body.

For bronze and stainless steel magnets do not stick. / Photo:
For bronze and stainless steel magnets do not stick. / Photo:

If the magnet is stuck and does not fall out of the tap, you have in the hands of low-quality product. If he fell, then the crane's all right. The fact that stainless steel or brass does not attract.

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Continuing the theme, read 10 secrets to fast cleaning with an ordinary soda and not only.

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