Frost-resistant rhododendrons and wintering hives

  • Dec 24, 2019

Rhododendrons are derevovidnye plant with beautiful buds. In this case, for an average strip of Russia are considered suitable not all varieties. For planting in this latitude selected hardy rhododendron, bushes and wintering in this case it takes place without problems.

Growing rhododendrons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing rhododendrons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Winter-hardy varieties of rhododendrons

Grade Grandma - wonderful as his name. It refers this species to the Japanese azaleas. Stunted bushes and form excellent low hedges and decorative borders. Rhododendron blooms this richly colorful and fragrant hiding cap the whole crown. Sami buds - tiny and soft pink hue.

Golden Lights - azaleas, that shed their leaves. Plants form large inflorescence collected in the brush; they are bright orange or salmon color. Each brush 10 is located at the buds. Flowering begins in the last decade of May. This variety is not afraid of even the most severe frosts and tolerate temperatures down to -40 ° C.

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Inglish Rozeum - the most unpretentious variety. The plant safely transports heavy rains, severe frosts, drought and scorching rays of the sun. Adverse weather conditions do not affect the flowering. This forms a lush rhododendron brush of flowers that look like bells. petals coloring ranges from pink to deep purple. For growing Inglish Rozeuma most suitable are considered nutritious black earth with good drainage.

Flowering rhododendrons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Flowering rhododendrons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Karens refers to the evergreen shrub of Japanese origin. This is a low compact plant with rich purple flowers. The leaves of this rhododendron in autumn acquire a deep shade of old wine.

Mount St. Helens clears the autumn foliage. The plant can easily tolerate temperatures down to -30 ° C. Characterized by an unusual coloring: in inflorescences - salmon pink with half-tone petals, which are located in a chaotic manner large orange spots. The buds are shaped like bells and collected in the brush to 11 pieces. Foliage - dark emerald color, autumn color resembles bronze.

Rosie Lights too easy to tolerate the most severe frosts. Inflorescences differ bright pinkish color with small orange dots. The leaves of this variety - malachite shade, and in October the colors are burgundy. Rhododendron blooms that at the end of May or in early July.

Rozeum Elegant - tall plant. It forms a lush brush 15-20 flowers. In buds - a delicate lilac or light purple hue. Along the edges of the petals are twisted and resemble mahram.

Preparing to frost

If September was warm, rhododendrons can be reused to go into growth. In this case, let the young shoots of shrubs that do not have time to get stronger frost. This has a negative impact on winter bush in general. To stop the growth of plants, it is necessary to treat them potassium monophosphate. The drug will stop the development of new shoots, and will encourage woodiness old branches.

Care rhododendrons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Care rhododendrons. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

To prepare the solution is sufficient to take 5 g product in 5 liters defended or distilled water and sprayed via spray crops. Wire processing should be in calm dry weather after sunset. Otherwise, you may receive burns from exposure to direct sunlight.

Before the winter rhododendron desirable zamulchirovat. For this purpose, it is best to pour the soil peat or compost. Recommended film thickness - 10 cm. As the cover in the winter can build a simple frame with any dense material.

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