Sauna in the country with your own hands. The main stages of construction

  • Aug 01, 2021
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Sauna is an excellent alternative to the traditional Russian bath, which many people build in their summer cottages and backyards. You can entrust the construction of a sauna to professionals, but some go in a more interesting way and build it on their own.

It is for the last category of summer residents that we wrote this small guide article. It outlines the main stages of construction and some of the nuances that should be taken into account when building a sauna.

Sauna. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Sauna. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Sauna. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Preparatory work

Any construction project starts with a plan, so you need to arm yourself with stationery and think through the layout of your sauna inside and out. Usually the size of the sauna depends on the number of its visitors, but there are some nuances.

For example, you do not need to swing too high a steam room height exceeding 2.1 meters. This will negatively affect the temperature in the sauna. Also consider the height of the shelves on which the visitors will be seated.
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Usually the steam room of a sauna is 2 × 2 meters, which is enough for 4 people to comfortably accommodate. Also, if desired, there can be additional rooms with a shower and a relaxation room.

Sauna with your own hands
Sauna with your own hands

Construction materials

The second important point is the selection of suitable building materials. Today it is extremely wide, so you can build on both your personal preferences and your construction budget.

The most preferable option remains a log house - a construction of full-fledged logs, but such a sauna will require a professional approach to construction and sufficient money.

It is easier to use brick as the main building material and wood clapboard for decoration. It is much cheaper, despite the fact that the structure will turn out to be capital and heat-resistant.

Sauna log cabin. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Sauna log cabin. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Choosing a stove

Unlike a bath, sauna stoves have a slightly different design, in which there is no place for titanium to heat water. The main task of the sauna stove is to heat the room itself and the masonry, due to which the effect of "dry" steam is achieved.

It is best to use a brick oven, however, laying it will require appropriate skills from you. In addition, such a furnace will come out more expensive than a finished metal one, since it requires not only installation, but also the structure itself.

You can buy a ready-made metal oven, which also does a good job of its tasks. On request, some types of metal stoves can be upgraded with special cobblestone compartments. The advantage of such furnaces is their extreme thermal conductivity.

Bake. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Bake. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Insulation and sheathing

The last stage of work is the correct thermal and waterproofing of the room, as well as its decoration. As a heater for a brick sauna, ordinary mineral wool is used, which is laid directly between the cobbled sheathing on the walls.

On top of the insulating layer, a layer of vapor barrier must be laid, which will prevent the walls from rotting and will allow your sauna to last a long time. It is also required to insulate the ceiling, which will come into contact with the steam most often.

The insulated and insulated walls are sheathed with wooden clapboard, which creates the very cozy surroundings. You can use different types of wood for these purposes, but it is best to choose hardwoods, as they are resistant to decay.

What else?

It is imperative to provide a drain hole for water in the sauna, which must freely leave the room without stagnating on the floor. In addition, it is necessary to build a ventilation hole, thanks to which it will be possible to ventilate the room after the relaxation session.

The lighting in the sauna should be done using special lamps that are resistant to moisture and steam. A shower room in the sauna is not necessary, but its presence will have an extremely positive effect on the completeness of your sensations during its operation.

Original articleand many other materials, you can find on ourwebsite.

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