Why is the Mauser K96 pistol called "sniper", and could it land a target at a distance of 1 km

  • Aug 04, 2021
Why is the Mauser K96 pistol called "sniper", and could it land a target at a distance of 1 km

The German self-loading pistol Mauser K96 is a legendary weapon. The First World War, the Revolution and the Civil War in Russia, the Second World War - these are just a few of the most large-scale conflicts where this weapon was used on a grand scale. There is nothing surprising in the fact that over the years the pistol has overgrown with numerous legends. Some argue that the K96 could fire effectively for a kilometer. Is it really?

One of the most famous pistols of the 20th century. / Photo: shooting club1.rf.
One of the most famous pistols of the 20th century. / Photo: shooting club1.rf.
One of the most famous pistols of the 20th century. / Photo: shooting club1.rf.

Pistol Mauser Construktion 96 from 1895 development uses a pistol cartridge as the main type of ammunition 7.63 x 25 mm Mauser, capable of giving 509 J of energy when fired with a bullet weighing 5.51 grams and providing it with an initial velocity of 430 m / s. Thus, at close range, the Mauser's main ammunition provided penetration of 10 pine planks 25 mm thick. The pistol had good accuracy: at a distance of 50 meters, the first 10 shots fired bullets into a 160x120 mm rectangle.

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Has been used in many conflicts. / Photo: club.foto.ru.
Has been used in many conflicts. / Photo: club.foto.ru.

However, the "Mauser" cartridge still remained pistol-like and with increasing distance began to rapidly lose its effectiveness. The maximum firing range hardly exceeds 500 meters. There is no need to talk about any kilometer. Most likely, a K96 bullet will fall into the ground much earlier. At the same time, even at a distance of 500 meters, getting from a pistol into a battalion square of infantry will be, if not impossible, then extremely difficult.

Mauser's cartridge is still pistol. / Photo: allzip.org.
Mauser's cartridge is still pistol. / Photo: allzip.org.

The sighting range of the K96 is 300 meters, which is still a lot for a pistol. However, even here one should not expect miracles from the Mauser, since the maximum effective firing range is 100 meters. This fact is best confirmed by the practice of using this pistol in real conditions. As for the installation of a stock and sights on a German pistol, there is nothing surprising in this. Some people call the pistol "sniper" because of the buttstock.

Effectively shoots only a hundred meters away. / Photo: bilibili.com.
Effectively shoots only a hundred meters away. / Photo: bilibili.com.

These accessories are equally useful when shooting at 500 and when shooting at 50-100 meters. In the case of the Mauser, the butt-holster was needed not for firing at some ultra-long distances, but for increasing the accuracy of firing when firing in bursts in a semi-automatic mode.

Continuing the topic, read about
gun for the cia: weapons that were supposed to help the Americans against Soviet intelligence.

Write in the comments what do you think about this?

Source: https://novate.ru/blogs/031120/56612/


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Why is the Mauser K96 pistol called "sniper", and could it land a target at a distance of 1 km