One of the joys of gardener - healthy sprouts

  • Dec 24, 2019

Many beginning gardeners and gardeners are sure that there is nothing easier than to grow up on his site a large harvest of cabbage. But practice shows that this is not so easy, because not everyone knows that when growing need to apply specific farming techniques.

Growing cabbage. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing cabbage. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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To the garden grown healthy cabbage, it is important to follow a few rules, without which it is difficult to obtain a strong and large heads of cabbage:

  • First of all you need to grow seedlings, from which to select the most robust plant. When transplanting into the ground should take them with a small lump of land, so as not to hurt the root, cabbage and quickly adapt to new conditions. Well, make deep enough. Planting seedlings up to the leaves, after removing the cotyledonary. Earth bucket of scatter around the bush roller, then to spud plant.
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  • Cabbage needs a lot of moisture and does not like the dry hot days, so in greenhouses and greenhouses, it will not be as comfortable as in the open field. Use a greenhouse is possible only when grown seedlings, which is much more convenient and easier than in the room. The ideal temperature for the normal development of heads is + 22 ° C. With higher performance growth is slowing down, and if the ground retain moisture, stops completely. To avoid this, it is desirable to obscure cabbage, erecting a canopy of burlap or spunbonded.
  • A common problem faced by many gardeners, it's cracking of heads. Because of the rare, but abundant or excessive daily watering cabbage begins to rapidly increase in size, which leads to cracks. This will help avoid mulching and pritenenie beds. On rainy days, which began after a severe drought, to be a little shovel to trim the root with one hand. This method will be dosed delivery of moisture to the plant.
  • Requires at least 1 time in 2 weeks to make the soil tillage and ridging of cabbage grown up, which increases the stability of the culture to environmental influences. Medium early varieties and enough hill twice a season later - at least 3 times. Optimal for this procedure are the first hours after watering or rain when the soil will adhere well to the root of the plant.
  • To grow a good crop of cabbage is unlikely to succeed without feeding. Make it necessary after carrying seedlings in open ground. Early varieties of this crop should be fed 2 times per season, late and middle - 3-4 times. In 10 liters of water diluted with 30 g of NPK, 0.5 l mullein, 15 g Rastvorina or Kemira. To each well was poured into 1 liter of solution.
  • All these measures will be useless if the cabbage does not protect against pests that are able to leave without a summer resident of the crop. In trade there are many effective drugs against harmful insects, but not every gardener is a supporter of chemicals in its own area. Environmentally friendly way is a mixture of 2 parts 1 part tobacco and ash. 2 m² quite a matchbox, which is sprayed on plants after wetting with water for better adhesion means.
Pests of cabbage. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Pests of cabbage. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
With tracks coping well birds, so in the winter and early spring birds need to be fed in order to attract them to the site. Such care will preserve the cabbage and gather a great harvest in the fall.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: How to get rid of the caterpillars on cabbage without chemicals?