In rainy weather, snails and slugs can settle in suburban areas. These parasites destroy crops quite quickly. There are several effective ways to deal with them.
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The appearance of slugs on cabbage, how to get rid of them?
Slugs just love to feast on cabbage, eat any varieties, they do not refuse any. How can a vegetable be processed so as not to be left without a crop?
The fight against the pest should begin with preventive work. The appearance of slugs is much easier to prevent than to counteract the consequences in the future. That is:
- Crops should not grow very close to each other. The best distance between shoots is considered to be an interval of 50x50 cm.
- You should constantly get rid of plant debris in the garden and garden plots: slugs are bred in shady places and quietly hide in the garden trash during the daytime.
- It is necessary to periodically mow grassy plants and destroy weeds, since harmful mollusks also hide well in them.
The optimal remedy for pests on vegetables is the treatment of cabbage plantings with preparations that are designed directly to combat various shellfish. You can use the means: "Slime Eater", "Bros", "Predator". Almost all preparations are made in the form of granules, which should be laid out on the surface of the ground.
In the event that pests are present on the site in small quantities or you still like to use folk remedies when fighting slugs, you can apply the methods described below.
Using slug traps
When fighting pests using folk remedies, it is necessary to determine the weakest points of the slugs and hit them correctly. Everyone now knows that during the daytime the parasites are in shaded places, and as soon as it gets dark, they crawl out of hiding in search of food. Make a trap to attract parasites and destroy them afterwards.
Beer bait
Use disposable cups by digging them into the area so that the cups are at ground level. Pour a small amount of beer into glasses. Slugs love this intoxicating drink, although it ruins them. In the morning, you will find dead shellfish that can be fed to poultry. Such a trap should be arranged closer to the evening, and during the day you need to cover the trap so that beneficial insects that love this bait do not accidentally get there.
Cabbage beds can be irrigated with a warm liquid, the temperature of which should be at least 40-50 ° C. This method can only be used for cabbage, as other plants can be harmed.
Beer can be replaced with other liquids, for example, fermented compote, syrup, juice. Instead of cups, you can use other containers with low edges.
Deceptive cover
Smear a wooden board with a fermented milk product and place it on two bricks with the clean side up. The molluscs will smell a sour smell and will crawl to the board overnight. In the morning, under cover, you can find many pests.
Slugs will hide under pieces of any material (linoleum, oilcloth) laid out in the garden. In the morning, you can find sheltered individuals.
Eradication of shellfish in the greenhouse building
Pests can live not only in the garden or vegetable garden, but also in greenhouses and hotbeds. To get rid of them, you should spread the leaves of crops that slugs like in the aisles: tomatoes, lettuce. The parasites will crawl to taste the treat and hide there. And in the morning, all that remains is to collect the tops together with the pests and destroy them.
Slugs don't like thyme, parsley, sage, rosemary. If you plant these herbs near vegetable crops, then protect the garden from invasions of shellfish.
Small sharp pebbles, nuts or eggshells can be poured around the plants. Thus, they will not be able to get close to crops, as they are afraid to damage their sensitive abdomen.
Slugs in the garden area
The larvae of a slippery pest may appear on cherry and pear leaves. When fighting a mucous sawfly, trees must be sprayed with various preparations ("Kinmix", "Bitoxibacillin").
Pests on flower plants
Ornamental plants are also used by slugs. They are especially fond of hosts. If you do not notice damaged foliage of flowers, then the entire flower bed may be damaged.
Protection from pests is exactly the same as in the garden. The earth can be sprinkled with "Thunderstorm" or "Predator" means. Tie up lush plants to prevent slugs from settling under the branches. You can apply soil mulching using sleeping tea, coffee, ash, peat. Such substances drive off shellfish.
Expulsion of slugs from the basement and cellar
The easiest and safest way is to take a flashlight, a bucket of water and go to the basement in the dark to collect slugs on your own. Pests are thrown into a bucket of water, and then destroyed.
Can be sprinkled with a mixture of ash powder and chalk. First, you need to remove food from the basement. A sulfuric smoke bomb is also used.
Do you know how to deal with slugs in the garden?
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