Even a small dent on the body of a car is a reason for a major and very expensive repair. Many drivers have gray hair on their heads from the mere thought that the body will have to be re-primed and repainted. However, in reality, nothing of the kind may or may not be needed. This is because there are very effective alternative methods for eliminating defects of this kind.
In order to level the dent on the body, it is not at all necessary to seek qualified help. In most cases, you can do it on your own, and without painting. This can be done both with the help of a special tool and with the help of improvised means. The choice of this or that method will be determined by the availability of "free" funds in the wallet, as well as the severity of the damage. It is important to note the main thing: in the most difficult situations, the crisis of the body can be such that the paintwork is damaged in any case. And there's nothing you can do about it - you will have to clean, prime and paint over again.
But if you are lucky, then you can get by with a little blood. It is easiest for an unskilled craftsman to correct the dent using the "pull" method. It can be done in several ways: by gluing an ordinary plunger to the defect site. Alternatively, some craftsmen use glue and a plastic bottle. The essence of the process is to attach the tool to the very center and pull well.
Before starting work, it is recommended to wash, dry and degrease the dent area. If attempts at alignment do not give a positive result, the metal of the body should be made more pliable. To do this, after gluing the bottle or plunger, pour hot water into the damaged area. You can also use a building hair dryer. After heating the metal, we try to straighten it again. This method works well against dents with a small area.
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A source: https://novate.ru/blogs/080321/58114/
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