What doesn't match hand grenades in movies versus real life

  • Dec 14, 2020
What doesn't match hand grenades in movies versus real life
What doesn't match hand grenades in movies versus real life

In cinema, every now and then they embellish reality for the sake of the intensity of the dramatic effect. This is done primarily to make it more interesting to watch! Secondly, it is necessary in order to connect the individual lines of the plot. Few things sin against reality and common sense as much as action films. Sometimes it seems that Hollywood has its own "laws of physics". Take, for example, the portrayal of hand grenades in films.

Movie grenades are not at all what they should be. / Photo: mk.ru.
Movie grenades are not at all what they should be. / Photo: mk.ru.

In modern cinema, literally all weapons have gotten. However, the most absurd thing in the cinema is with hand grenades. They suffer from "artistic embellishment" with enviable regularity. This happens because the director wants to make his film more spectacular and exciting. Unfortunately for filmmakers in real life, grenades are not as effective as in movies.

In general, the explosion is more modest. / Photo: culture.novreg.ru.
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The first and foremost thing that filmmakers "improve" is the scale of the explosions. In most films, the capabilities of grenades in this regard are greatly exaggerated. As a rule, the explosion from a hand grenade is very modest (which does not at all make it non-lethal for others). Moreover, the burst of fire from an explosion is often not even noticeable to the human eye: a small flash, and now a cloud of smoke is already floating through the air. The explosion of a real grenade most often resembles the explosion of a firecracker, a very large firecracker.

knows a lot more. / Photo: flipboard.com.

The second thing that filmmakers "improve" is the sound of the explosion. Unlike the magnitude of the explosion, the noise generated by the grenade is always understated. This is done in the movies for security reasons. The pomegranate makes much more noise than in the movies, but not for so long. In films, the explosion is almost always protracted. In life, detonating a grenade is a sharp deafening clap, like that of the same petard.

Produces a characteristic sound. / Photo: kubnews.ru.

The third important point concerns the "noiselessness" of the grenade platoon. In movies, putting a grenade on alert is almost never accompanied by any special sounds. In fact, when the striker strikes the grenade primer, noise is generated comparable to that generated when firing from a 9-mm pistol. This is also necessary to ensure the safety of the thrower.

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Twitching is not easy. / Photo: donetsk.kp.ru.

The fourth thing to remember is the check. In the movies, she is pulled out almost always immediately, sometimes also with her teeth. In fact, you should first unbend the fuse antennae. Otherwise, even a very trained and well-physically developed person will hardly be able to pull out the pin. On the other hand (especially in old films), you can often see how grenades are worn on unloading, suspended literally by the pin. In fact, grenades are packed in special pockets or contained in a grenade bag.

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Explodes while still in the air. / Photo: yandex.ru.

Finally, the fifth that comes to mind is the question of the ability to throw a grenade back. This is impossible in life. The grenade detonates 3.5-4 seconds after the fuse is released. A trained soldier throws a grenade 30-50 meters. In most cases, fragmentation grenades do not even have time to fall to the ground and explode in the air, which, by the way, improves their damaging effect.

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