Cucumbers, which never explode

  • Dec 24, 2019
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Crunchy pickles with stunning sweet and sour taste - the dream of every lover of winter preparations. But the summer heat - is not the best time for the hours of sterilization. Therefore, a recipe that does not require sweating and panting - a real find. And if he did not even tested for years and decades - a priceless treasure. Our cucumbers come from Volgograd Soviet times, one can imagine how accurately verified all the proportions of the recipe and how high is the probability of getting the result of "Yum." Actually, it is not likely, as a guarantee. But let us pass from praises for cooking.

Cucumbers, which never explode
Cucumbers, which never explode

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What is needed

To prepare a single serving take kilogram young cucumbers. Select fruits of medium size, which is conveniently placed in liter jars. Cans Prepare 4 pieces. Stock up on fresh herbs and fragrant leaves for the marinade:

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  • umbrellas dill,
  • leaves of cherry,
  • currant.

If you like a more original taste, take leaves or parsley, lovage, celery.

Also need:

  • garlic cloves,
  • Bay leaf,
  • black pepper,
  • 200 ml of a 9% vinegar
  • 100 g of salt and sugar.

We proceed to the creation of "sweets".


  • Cucumbers must be pre-soaked in cold water. It will take at least two hours, and it is better to leave them in a basin for the night. Cucumber should be well fed with moisture, especially if you are not using freshly picked fruit, otherwise they will pull in the marinade from the jar and the fluid level drops significantly.
  • Soaked cucumbers spread to the banks and fill with boiling water carefully. Cover the roll-caps (just put them on top, not rolling!) And leave for half an hour.
  • During this time, prepare the marinade. It will go to the salt, sugar and herbs harvested. Cook is the wealth of a few minutes, it's time to turn off the flame, pour vinegar. For convenience, you can get the greens.
  • The cooled water from cans, drain, place them on a bay leaf, garlic, pepper peas. If you love witty, you can add ground black pepper.
  • Now all that remains fragrant pour marinade and roll up carefully, lovingly wrapped something lukewarm, leave overnight.
Cucumbers for winter
Cucumbers for winter

Cucumbers perfectly kept and never explode

This and many other materials can be found on ourwebsite.

Please put the Huskies and subscribe to the channel "About Fazenda". This will enable us to publish more interesting garden articles.

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