Berezin machine gun: famous and unknown at the same time

  • Aug 21, 2021

This machine gun, perhaps, everyone has seen in numerous military photographs. It was released in huge numbers during the war. However, for some evil irony, even those who are interested in weapons of the Second World War at an amateur level are often unaware of its existence. We are talking about the famous and at the same time unknown machine gun Berezin.

Serious weapon. / Photo:
Serious weapon. / Photo:
Serious weapon. / Photo:

The main problem of the Berezin machine gun for our compatriots is that it is an aviation one. At the same time, the Berezin universal machine gun can be considered a "Weapon of Victory". Have you ever seen a two-seat modification of the Il-2 attack aircraft? So the co-pilot covered the tail of the plane with this machine gun. Such 12.7-mm "toys" were installed on the vast majority of Soviet attack aircraft and bombers during World War II as an auxiliary anti-aircraft weapon.


Aviation machine gun 12.7 mm. / Photo:
Aviation machine gun 12.7 mm. / Photo:
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The machine gun was developed in the years 1937-1938. In April 1939, the weapon successfully passed factory and range tests, after which the Defense Committee quickly adopted a new synchronized aircraft machine gun into service. Military tests of the weapon were also successful, although at the beginning of 1941 the machine gun had to be quickly refined. The circulation of the UBT is impressive: in 1941, 6,300 of these machine guns were produced, in 1943 - 43,690, in 1944 - 38,340, and in 1945 - 42,965 pieces.

It was primarily used as an anti-aircraft gun. / Photo: ovvakul.rf.
It was primarily used as an anti-aircraft gun. / Photo: ovvakul.rf.

The Berezin machine gun fired with cartridges of 12.7x108 mm. The muzzle velocity of the bullet was 840-860 m / s. Depending on the specific modification, the rate of fire of the drill collar varied in the range of 700-1 050 rounds per minute. This was not without problems. During the war years, many crews complained that machine guns often jam, or even refuse altogether. Nevertheless, the drill collar design still turned out to be better than the ShKAS. And the effectiveness of firing from Berezin was almost the same as that of ShVAK aircraft cannons.

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The machine gun was developed in 1938. / Photo:
The machine gun was developed in 1938. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about why did Soviet tankers massively oppose the appearance on the muzzle brake guns.
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