Potatoes, which are successfully cultivated in Russia - varieties and features

  • Aug 24, 2021
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Potatoes are eaten almost daily. When choosing a variety for planting, gardeners take into account different criteria. The most important of these are:

Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
  • taste,
  • keeping quality,
  • yield.

To obtain a high yield, you must comply with the basic requirements:

  1. Use of good planting material.
  2. The presence of fertile land where the rules of crop rotation are observed.
  3. Using the rules of agricultural technology.

Popular potato varieties

According to the rate of ripening of tubers, varieties are distinguished:

  • Early - from 60 to 80 days.
  • Average - from 90 to 110 days.
  • Late varieties - from 115 to 125 days.
Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Early varieties are not stored for long, they are immediately eaten. The most popular of them are:

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  • Vyatka - the mass of tubers is up to 140 g, the peel of root crops is smooth with few eyes, the pulp is white. The yield is high - up to 475 kg per one hundred square meters. It is characterized by resistance to late blight, high keeping quality and good taste.
  • Domodedovo - the weight of tubers reaches 100 g, the skin color is white, there are few eyes, the yield reaches 345 kg per hundred square meters. Tubers are poorly boiled, can be used boiled and baked.
  • Sedov - bred at the Siberian Research Institute in 1953. Drought tolerant during tuber setting. The mass of tubers is up to 135 g, the color of the peel and pulp is white. Productivity - up to 193 kg per one hundred square meters.

Mid-season varieties ripen longer than early ones and are well stored until spring. The most famous for their taste:

  • Irbit - famous for its easy adaptation to various growing conditions. The mass of tubers is 150-185 g, the shell is pink, the flesh is yellow. This variety is resistant to late blight and nematode infestation. Productivity up to 412 kg per one hundred square meters.
  • Breeze is a Belarusian variety, obtained by breeders in 2005. The mass of tubers is 97-155 g, the color of the peel and pulp is yellow. Due to the low starch content, the tubers do not boil during cooking. The variety is in demand for baking, making salads and French fries. The yield is high - 613 kg per one hundred square meters.
  • Rocco is a Dutch variety with high taste characteristics. Tuber weight up to 125 g, pale pink peel, smooth, creamy flesh. It is characterized by resistance to drought and temperature extremes. Productivity - 400 kg per one hundred square meters.
  • Reserve - has a pleasant taste, good keeping quality, moderate digestibility. The mass of tubers is 80-90 g, the skin is yellow, the flesh is white. Productivity - 300-420 kg per one hundred square meters. Drought tolerant.
  • Tuleyevsky - tubers are large, from 120 to 270 g, sometimes reaching 500 g. The peel is light beige, the flesh is white or yellowish. The eyes are small, which allows easy cleaning both manually and mechanically. Productivity - 458 kg per one hundred square meters.
  • Dauphine is a Dutch variety. It is characterized by resistance to late blight and nematode damage. The peel is beige, the flesh is creamy. Tuber weight 200-350 g. Abundant watering is required, the yield is 250 kg per hundred square meters.
Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Potato. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Late varieties retain their presentation well and are stored for a long time. The southern regions of the country are suitable for cultivation, where the warm period begins earlier and ends later. Outstanding representatives are:

  • Picasso is a Dutch variety known in Russia as Ivan da Marya. Fruits are oval, few eyes, tuber weight up to 100 g, yellow-pink color. Does not germinate during the winter. Productivity - 300 kg per one hundred square meters.
  • Zhuravinka, Kiwi, Lorkh, Temp are also popular with gardeners.

When choosing potatoes for planting, it is necessary to take into account its purpose: for a quick harvest, preference should be given to early varieties; for long-term storage, mid-season and late varieties are suitable.

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