Tincture of dandelion and garlic protect strawberries

  • Dec 24, 2019
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To Strawberry yielded a rich harvest, it is necessary to provide proper care. To protect this culture of disease and pests recommended infusion of garlic, dandelion and iodine, as well as adhere to a set of preventive recommendations.

Care strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Care strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Experienced gardeners sprayed strawberries slightly warmed infusion of dandelion. It is necessary to take 500 g natural component and 10 liters of pure water.

To protect plants from infestation botrytis must be at least 1 time per 10 days to spray bush iodine solution at 10 mL substance 10-liter bucket of water.

It helps protect strawberries and means of garlic. To cook it you need 10 liters of water add 2 fresh garlic head.

Terms of care for strawberries are as follows:

  • In the spring you need to eliminate all non-viable and dried parts of the plant. At the same time, it should remove the inveterate mulch, because it may contain parasites. Healthy shrubs need some weed, fertilize and podryhlit drugs with potassium and phosphorus.
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  • During the growing season is not necessary to prevent excessive growth of bushes. On 1 outlet should account for about 18-20 cm² in each row. Between the rows is necessary to maintain the 30-inch range.
  • Before transplanting, each instance must be checked for defects or signs of pests and diseases. Problematic part bushes is not necessary to throw in the compost, the entire unhealthy material completely disposed of by incineration.
  • The regeneration of strawberry plantations need to make sure that this place had not been solanaceous crops. This is due to the fact that the ground out from under them can store specific diseases that are transmitted strawberries.
  • The beds of strawberries are better placed in an elevated location with good water run-off, otherwise the plant will slowly die due to excess moisture.
  • Between the rows of strawberry Phytoncidal recommended planting crops (garlic, oregano, onions, etc.).
Moreover, strawberries need 3 times each season to spray fungicides. Such a measure can prevent the development of many diseases.
Spraying strawberry bushes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Spraying strawberry bushes. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Gardeners should not miss the season infection strawberry mites, slyunyavkami, nematodes and other pests. If sheets of culture appeared streaks or yellowed leaves, and on it were formed webs, the plantation is necessary as soon as possible to save.

In this case, can not do without insecticides. The most popular and universal means growers allocate phosphamide, Malathion, Vir, Aktofit, Fitoverm, Commander. Insecticides desirable to combine with sulfur and mede- preparations. Such remedies strengthen the immune system, and harden the plant.

The harvest of strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
The harvest of strawberries. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

In addition, the protection of strawberries includes a number of fumigation using special chemicals. Once in the ground in the form of smoke or toxic fumes, such agents have a detrimental effect on weed seeds, larvae of the parasite. Fumigation can be used Vidat, dimethoate, Phosphine. In the absence of such treatment skills best left to the professionals.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: Spring - restore the strawberries after winter