How can you check the health of the level right in the store

  • Sep 08, 2021
How can you check the health of the level right in the store

A level is an extremely important thing, absolutely useful and literally irreplaceable in the arsenal of every owner. The only problem is that, like any other tool, the level can fail or be banally defective. As a result, the owner runs the risk of breaking serious firewood when carrying out repair or construction work, the result of which will have to be partially or completely redone. This means there will be additional spending of effort, time and resources.

Checking the level is not difficult at all. / Photo:
Checking the level is not difficult at all. / Photo:
Checking the level is not difficult at all. / Photo:

Even levels sold under popular and proven brands can be defective or damaged. Alas, not a single one, even the most conscientious manufacturer, is insured against this. Therefore, regardless of the incoming circumstances, any tool of this kind, the master and the owner is obliged to check even before the moment he reaches the cash register with the coveted purchase.

Different sides of the level should show the same surface. / Photo:
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Different sides of the level should show the same surface. / Photo:

Fortunately, you can check the quality of the level right in the store and in just a few seconds. In the event of a defect, the master will provide a service not only to himself, but also to the store. Of course, if you are not too lazy to inform the specialist in the hall that they have spoiled goods on their counters. Definitely, only thanks will be said for preserving the reputation of the institution! So what do you need to do to check?

The easiest way to check the level is on the floor. / Photo:
The easiest way to check the level is on the floor. / Photo:

We take the level that we are going to buy and place it on a flat surface. We carefully look at the bubble and remember its position. After that, turn the level 180 degrees and look at the bubble again. In this case, it should be put strictly in the same place where it was lying for the first time. So, if the position of the bubble is the same in both cases, then the level is good! If the bubble has shifted, then the level needs to be adjusted. For ease of inspection, you can mark the location of the bubble and the location of the level with a pencil.

This method will help to check the tool not only upon purchase, but also during operation. Because sooner or later the level may get upset.

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Sooner or later, the level will get upset. / Photo:
Sooner or later, the level will get upset. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about unusual design and construction ideasworth bringing to life.
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