Dutch early ripe onions Shakespeare: description, planting, proper storage

  • Sep 11, 2021

If you want to harvest early onions, you need to plant them in late fall. For planting, you can use the Shakespeare variety, because the vegetable survives perfectly in frosts and is quite resistant to shooting.

Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Onion. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Characteristics of the variety

Winter onion variety, suitable for planting on turnip.


The variety was bred by Dutch breeders; it has been grown in Russia since 2019.

Ripening period

The variety belongs to early maturing crops. The bulbs ripen 75 days after sprouting.


From 1 sq. m collect up to 3500 g of vegetables.

Disease resistance

The variety has a strong immunity to the main onion diseases:

  • yellow dwarfism;
  • powdery mildew;
  • mosaic;
  • gray rot.

Onions suffer most from onion fly infestations.

Onion fly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Onion fly. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
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The fruits have the following qualities:

  • rounded shape;
  • dense, yellow-brown scales;
  • juicy snow-white pulp;
  • slightly spicy taste;
  • vegetable weight up to 100 g.

The variety is characterized by the absence of arrows.

Pros and cons of the variety

Onions have positive qualities:

  • early maturation;
  • pleasant taste;
  • easily tolerates frosts down to -18 ° C;
  • has immunity to disease.

The disadvantage is the short period of preservation of the bulbs - for six months.

Planting and cultivation

To achieve the necessary results, you should follow the basic agrotechnical rules.

Preparatory actions

When growing Shakespeare onions, it is better to use a set. The onions should not be larger than 1 cm in diameter.

Sevok does not need preliminary soaking and processing. Bulbous necks do not need to be cut.

Observe the crop rotation when cultivating. The variety develops well in the beds, where the predecessors were:

  • cereals other than oats;
  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage;
  • mustard.

The vegetable does not grow well after cucumbers, carrots, onions, and garlic.

Soil requirements

It is advisable to plant the culture on sandy loam and loamy soil, the soil must be necessarily neutral or slightly alkaline.

Before planting, you need to dig up the ground and remove all plant residues. It is advisable to fertilize the soil:

  • humus;
  • potassium salt;
  • superphosphate.

Can be fed with wood ash. Sand is added to the clay area, and clay is applied to the sandy area.

For planting, choose a dry and sunny bed, without stagnant water.

Period, schedule and correct landing

Planting material is planted in early October, and seeds for sowing - at the end of summer. But basically you need to focus on the temperature regime of the region, a week before the onset of frost.

One onion is planted in one recess, and 3-4 pieces are planted. The interval between the holes is not more than 10 cm, and the distance between the rows is 20 cm.

Then the onion is covered with a mixture of peat and humus. The surface of the beds is mulched with hay or dry leaves. With the onset of spring, the mulch should be removed.

Planting onions. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Planting onions. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Features of cultivation

The variety is suitable for outdoor cultivation. During the cultivation period, use nitrogen fertilizers strictly according to the instructions. If the proportion is violated, the substances can cause abundant growth of green feathers, and the bulbs will develop poorly.

Care details

When cultivating a vegetable, you should strictly follow the rules of care: irrigation, weeding and dressing.

Irrigation mode

At the end of planting, it is not recommended to water the vegetables. The first irrigation can be carried out until approximately May 10-15.

Watering is carried out every one and a half weeks, gradually reducing the water consumption. Watering is not carried out 21 days before onion ripening. It is not necessary to allow the soil to dry out, but excess moisture will not be beneficial either.

Loosening the earth and weeding

The soil needs to be loosened after each watering. The procedure is carried out 3-6 times per summer.

It is also necessary to weed the crop as the weeds grow.


  1. The first feeding is carried out 14 days after the emergence of sprouts. Use the drug "Ideal" (60 g), urea (60 g) and water (10 l) are combined and brought under planting.
  2. The second procedure is performed 14 days after the first. For this, superphosphate (30 g) and potassium sulfate (30 g) are diluted in water (10 l), and onions are also watered.
  3. The third time is fed a month before the onion harvest. In this case, dry mineral preparations are used, which are applied at the end of watering.

Fight against parasites and diseases

For preventive purposes, copper oxychloride should be used. The solution is made in the proportion of 30 g of the product per 10 liters of liquid. Plants are irrigated in a volume of 1 liter of composition per 10 sq. m.

Pesticides cannot be used during cultivation. You can treat onions with ash powder.

Onion flies are disposed of by spraying tobacco dust. Near the onion, you can plant calendula or marigolds, their smell scares off the pest.

Fitoverm and Agrovertin have proven themselves quite well.

Collecting and preserving bulbs

For storage, you must use fully ripe vegetables.

Collection times and rules

As soon as the feathers turn yellow, the bulbs must be harvested. Then dry it right on the garden bed and after about two hours, put it under a canopy for two weeks to dry completely.

Features of storage and keeping quality of onions

The fruits are stored in a cellar or basement. The place must be dry and free from mold. Subject to these conditions, the bulbs are stored for six months.

Read also: Stimulating the growth of tomatoes and peppers with iodine solution

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#onion varieties#onion#shakespeare onion variety