Salting methods for large cucumbers

  • Sep 13, 2021

Before salting, large cucumbers are recommended to be cut into small pieces, then it will be convenient to put them in a glass jar. Such circles can be used in the process of salting food in a small container. It is considered undesirable to combine cutting vegetables in the form of slices and circles in one jar.

Pickling cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pickling cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pickling cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

As for the methods of canning, they depend on the preferences of the hostess - it is possible to use both cold and hot methods. The essence of the first is that a cold marinade is used for pouring vegetables, and for the second, boiling brine is used, just removed from a slow fire.

Tips for choosing cucumbers for pickling

Here are some important rules for choosing cucumbers:

  1. Vegetables should have a dense skin and bulky pimples.
  2. The fruit should not only be large, but also resilient.
  3. The color of the cucumbers should be uniform and rich.
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And also, when choosing cucumbers for pickling, check their smell. The best option is a pleasant cucumber aroma. This means that the cucumber has not been processed with chemicals.

Selection of cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Selection of cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The recipe for harvesting cucumbers for the winter

There are various options that can be used to complement the pickle used for pickling cucumbers. For example, raspberry, currant, cherry leaves. Next, a classic recipe will be given.

Classic recipe

For a classic recipe, ingredients such as a kilogram of cucumbers, 3 liters of water, 2 garlic cloves are needed. You will also need 4 tablespoons of salt, 2 cherry and currant leaves. You can't do without horseradish.

Salted cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Salted cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Here's the recipe:

  • It is necessary to cut the vegetables into wedges and peel the garlic.
  • When the salt dissolves in the water, put a clove of garlic and horseradish leaves on the bottom of the used jar.
  • After the chopped cucumbers are placed in the jar, add some cherry and currant leaves.

After filling all the components with salted water, cover the cucumbers with a lid and place them in a cold place. For the brine, you can use either the hot or cold option.

Housewives tips

In order for the workpiece to have a pleasant taste, it is recommended to use pure mineral water without gas. Alternatively, you can use regular filtered tap water.

It is advisable to put large pieces at the very bottom of the container, and small pieces closer to the lid. When cooking, it is recommended to use ordinary coarse salt.

Read also: The best varieties of tomatoes for greenhouses

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#salting large cucumbers#preparations for the winter#recipes