Raspberry processing in the autumn

  • Sep 16, 2021

To harvest a good harvest of raspberries, it is necessary to take proper care of the bushes, to protect them from invasions of parasites, diseases. Summer residents are ready to share with you the secrets of how to create favorable conditions for plants.

Raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

Why and what processing of raspberries is carried out in the fall

With the onset of autumn, a key moment comes when culture needs a lot of attention. Processing at this time will significantly affect the formation of branches and the quality of the fruit.

The main stages of care:

  • shrub pruning;
  • cleaning bushes from debris after the procedure;
  • introduction of organic matter and mineral fertilizers;
  • processing of raspberries and soil with special compounds from harmful insects and diseases.

The best fertilizer for a plant is compost. In the fall, you need to add 10 l / 1 sq. m, sprinkle with ash powder and carry out a shallow digging.

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In order for the plants to winter calmly, you need to stretch a cord along the raspberry tree and tie the bushes, tilting to one side. As a result, the snow will cover them and help preserve them until winter.

Preparing the necessary tools

The following accessories are required for the procedure:

  1. Pruner. It must be well sharpened so that it does not squeeze the shoots, but cut.
  2. Shovel for digging the earth.
  3. A sharp knife for cutting green foliage.
  4. Sprayer for spraying chemicals.
  5. A watering can to irrigate the roots with medicinal solutions.

To carry out work, you need to have work gloves.

Shrub pruning, the main rules

If you do not prune, then the fruits will be small and not very sweet. It is advisable to cut off all old, weak branches. In this case, one bush should remain with 5-6 stems.

Pruning procedure for adult plants

Pruning raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Pruning raspberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

On an adult raspberry tree, you should cut out obsolete shoots at the root. Branches that interfere with the care of the shrub are also removed.

There are varieties that get through the winter hard. They are cut completely, leaving only a small part of one branch with 6-8 buds. Such a shrub needs shelter for the winter.

Pruning young shoots

Young overgrown stems should be examined and four healthy and thick ones should be selected - their tops are cut off by about 15-20 cm, the rest of the young shoots are removed. So the raspberry tree will be able to rejuvenate by spring, and the remaining stems will have the opportunity to receive more nutrients.

Green leaves are removed with a hand movement from the bottom up, so as not to damage the kidneys.

Bushes cleaning

After the procedures carried out, it is necessary to remove and burn all unnecessary trimmings. In addition, weeding should be done in the bushes.

Raspberry processing: the main rules

Situations often arise when, even with proper care, the plants do not produce a high-quality crop. The problem may be damage to the crop by infection or pests. Treatments are carried out not only in spring and summer, but also in autumn to help the plant get rid of problems for the winter.

Raspberry processing. Illustration for the article is used from the site ogorod.ru
Raspberry processing. Illustration for the article is used from the site ogorod.ru

From disease

Raspberry can suffer from chlorosis, rot, mosaic, rust. Plants can be protected with fungicides. But first, it is necessary to correctly establish the disease, and then proceed with the selection of a specific drug.

The most popular diseases:

  1. Gray rot. An ashy bloom forms on young shoots, rot appears, and the shoots die off. Apply "Fitosporin-M".
  2. Chlorosis. The foliage turns yellow, the shoots become thinner, the shrubs become lethargic and die. Processing "Topaz", "Oxyhom".
  3. Late blight. A brick-red bloom is visible on the rhizome. "Paurin" will help.
  4. Verticillary wilting. The tops of the stems become lethargic, the roots are covered with gray spots. "Vitaros", "Previkur" will cure the disease.
  5. Rust. The appearance of bulges on the leaves of a yellow-orange hue. Helps to get rid of the disease "Baylon" and "Forecast".

A universal remedy for all diseases is Bordeaux liquid. The solution is prepared in a proportion of 300 g / 10 l of liquid. Then the solution should be filtered and sprayed.

Copper sulfate will save from the appearance of fungal and viral diseases. To do this, dilute the substance (100 g) in the settled liquid (10 l). The stems are sprayed (0.5 l / 1 plant) and the roots are watered (1.5 l).

From parasites

Raspberries suffer from kidney moths, spider mites, stem gall midges, weevils, flies and bugs. In the autumn, raspberry and soil are treated with insecticides. For example, you can use the Actellik solution. To prepare the solution, use 1 ampoule per 2 liters of liquid. One and a half liters of the composition are sprayed with 10 sq. m.

The drug "Fufanon" helps well. In a bucket of water, 10 ml of the substance is diluted and irrigated. Inta-Vir helps to get rid of the shoot aphids, Fitoverm, which can be replaced with a mustard solution (100 g of dry powder / 5 l of water), helps to get rid of the annoying weevil.

They get rid of the glass case with the help of Nitrafen and Karbofos.

Read also: To help beginner gardeners: common mistakes when pruning grapes

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