Peeked at the Uzbeks forests from old pallets. I made myself the same

  • Sep 19, 2021

At neighbors, guests from South Asia are building a country house, passing by their facility, I noticed that cunning scaffolding was installed along the walls under construction, made of old pallets. He stopped, looked closely, asked how they were in business. I memorized important structural elements and decided to do the same for myself.

Peeked at the Uzbeks forests from old pallets. I made myself the same

We need:

  • Old pallet.
  • Four boards are not the first freshness.
  • Bars, two pieces.
  • Pack of self-tapping screws.

We cut two boards, of such length, to which it is necessary to raise the platform. I have it 90 cm.

We screw them to the edge of the pallet, as shown in the photographs.

Do not forget to move the lower part of the board to the side 2-3 cm from the edge of the pallet so that the structure is stable.

We take two more boards and screw them on two sides in the same way as shown in the photo. Strengthening the structure.

We take two bars of the required length.

We fasten each one sideways, between the installed supports. Necessarily.

We scroll the resulting structure with additional screws. For reliability.

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As a result, we get an excellent stand for working at height. It is important that this structure has THREE support points, two on the ground and one on the wall. Due to this, it stands securely under human weight, does not "play" on the ground. It does not require the installation of planks under the supports, like a scaffold with four legs. In the gallery below I described her qualities:

Stands securely on the ground
Crawls into tight spaces
Stands securely on the ground

I really liked the idea 👍