Seasonal whitewashing of apple trees - protection from burns, rodents and frost breakers

  • Sep 19, 2021
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Whitewashing also belongs to agrotechnical methods of caring for garden trees, which helps to protect plants from parasites, diseases and ultraviolet radiation during active development. To achieve maximum effect, the procedure must be performed correctly.

Whitewashing apple trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Whitewashing apple trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Whitewashing apple trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Why you need to whitewash apple trees

Colored bark perfectly reflects hot sunlight and protects trees from overheating, keeps them from getting wet and is less susceptible to infections.

The paint covers minor cracks and damage in which pests can multiply, and in winter it protects plants from various rodents gnawing the surface of the trunks.

Features and time of the procedure

There are a few tips to get the job done and whitewash the trees in all the rules:

  • whitewash age plants with lime, young trees - with chalk solutions, acrylic paint or water emulsion with adding copper sulfate (1%), two-three-year-old seedlings do not need to be whitened, but protection should be created in the form of a white woven strapping material;
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  • the composition, prepared independently, should be infused for 2-3 hours;
  • the layer is applied evenly;
  • as soon as the first layer dries, the procedure is repeated again;
  • work is performed from the top of the trunk, the branches are painted over by 20-30 cm;
  • during the procedure, you must use a respirator, gloves, protective clothing.

The timing of the procedures depends on the areas of cultivation of fruit trees.

In the spring

Spring whitewashing is used to renew the surface and protect against invasions of waking up parasites. In the southern regions, procedures are performed after March 15, in the northern regions - from about April 15.

In the autumn time

Autumn processing will help the trees to survive the winter more easily and protect them from aggressive sun rays in the spring.

The procedures should be carried out in October-November on dry sunny days, so that the whitewash has time to dry and can penetrate into the bark of the culture. The air temperature at this time should be positive.

Whitewashing trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Whitewashing trees. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Proper preparation of an apple tree for whitewashing

Before carrying out the procedure, the old and peeling bark from the apple tree should be cleaned, disinfected problem areas and treated with a putty on the damage. As a result, the whitewashing solutions will cover the healthy bark and shoots.

Barrel cleaning

Having carefully examined the trunk, gardeners notice problem areas. Before examination, the bark should be moistened with water to make the lesions more visible. The layers of obsolete bark, moss, lichen are cleaned from the trunk using a plastic or wooden scraper. Young trees do not need to be cleaned.

Treatment of wounds

During any cleaning, minor damage may form, and completely get rid of spores fungi fail, so after cleaning the tree must be treated with disinfectants drugs. Spraying is carried out in dry weather several days after the bark has been peeled.

Effective formulations:

  • ash powder (dilute 3 kg of the substance in a bucket of water and boil, insist the solution and spray the trunk);
  • ash and soap compositions (laundry soap in the amount of 100 g, 2 kg of wood ash per bucket of hot liquid), moisten a rag in the solution and wipe the barrel;
  • Dilute 100-200 g of iron or copper sulfate with 10 liters of water, the concentration of iron must not be exceeded, as the plant's immunity may decrease;
  • of ready-made products are suitable for disinfection solutions of Bordeaux compounds, "Hom", as well as "Oxyhom".

Covering up wounds

Cracks and wounds before whitewashing are covered with a garden varnish or clay talker (clay with water and rotted manure in a ratio of 2: 1, fine hay or straw dust from 1 tbsp. l. copper sulfate).

Of the ready-made compositions, you can use the garden var "BlagoSad", "Pchelka", putty "ZSP". Whitewashing is performed two weeks after the putty.

Garden var. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Garden var. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Popular whitewashing solutions

Compositions are bought in stores or prepared with their own hands. In this case, whitewashing solutions must meet the following requirements:

  • have a white color;
  • cling to the bark tenaciously, do not drain;
  • in solution, antibacterial additives and repellents are desirable.

You can make the solution yourself. For this, lime is mainly used. The quicklime should be quenched with water in a 1: 1 ratio.

To get lime milk, water and any adhesive composition, for example, clay, flour glue, are added to the slaked lime. For whitewashing, paint brushes, rollers or dispersion sprayers are used.

Options for the finished composition from the store

Purchased ready-made mixtures include:

  • Arbo Flex;
  • "Block";
  • Unifarb.

Solution to protect trees from burns

The following components are added to the whitewash composition for burns:

  • copper sulfate (500 g), diluted in a hot liquid;
  • slaked lime (3 kg);
  • any adhesive composition (100 g);
  • liquid.

You can use synthetic paints or ready-made mixtures:

  • "VS-511";
  • VD-KCH-577;
  • Farbex;
  • "Sunscreen".

Whitewashing with water-based paint

This product is not washed off by rain and protects from burns for 2-3 years, but pests are not afraid of it. Copper sulphate cannot be added and such whitewashing can be used on mature plants.

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#whitewashing apple trees#treatment and care#garden var