Rules for autumn pruning hydrangea

  • Sep 19, 2021
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Ornamental plants, regardless of variety and age, require regular pruning. The formation of a hydrangea bush in autumn is a guarantee of abundant flowering of the culture next year. The procedure is quite simple. You just need to choose the right pruning time and follow the recommendations of specialists.

Hydrangeas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Hydrangeas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Hydrangeas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Is a pruning procedure necessary for hydrangea

The procedure is required for all varieties of hydrangea. Thanks to her, the plant tolerates the cold winter easier, keeps the root system intact. It also allows the hydrangea to gain strength for future vegetation. Corrective pruning stimulates the formation of dormant buds, from which shoots with peduncles will begin to grow in spring.

If you do not carry out an autumn haircut, then in the next season there will be few inflorescences. The fact is that flower stalks are formed only on the shoots of the current season. If you do not cut the plant, then there is a chance that there will be no buds at all.

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Also, the removal of old shoots is designed to solve the following problems:

  1. Plant protection from pests and diseases.
  2. Formation of a beautiful crown.
  3. Allows you to make a supply of nutrients for normal wintering.

Autumn pruning is considered preferable to spring pruning.

When is

The time to complete the procedure in the fall depends on the region. The first frosts provoke foliage falling, dry inflorescences remain. This is considered the best time for pruning.

Removal of excess shoots is carried out using a pruner or brush cutter. A garden saw may be needed for rejuvenation.

Pruning hydrangeas. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Pruning hydrangeas. Illustration for the article is used from the site

In the Central lane and the Moscow region

In this region, the procedure is recommended to be performed in the second half of October or in the first of November, no later than. If, according to the weather forecast, low temperatures are expected, then pruning is best done earlier. After that, the plant is covered for the winter.

In the Urals and Siberia

In the northern latitudes of the country, the plant is pruned in early October, although some experts say it is better in September. No need for a radical haircut. The plant should have time to recover from the procedure before the onset of frost. Hydrangea can only survive the cold winter if the slices are completely healed.

In the Leningrad region

The region is characterized by cool and short summers with early autumn. Pruning should be done after the leaves begin to fall. This is usually the beginning of October.

Pruning a tree hydrangea

Hydrangea of ​​this species, in terms of growth rate and its shape, is a common shrub that forms a loose or spherical crown. In this culture, many processes are formed on the skeletal branches and from the root. Because of this, the tree hydrangea needs regular pruning:

Pruning hydrangeas. Illustration for the article is used from
Pruning hydrangeas. Illustration for the article is used from
  1. Sanitary involves pruning all diseased, weak and damaged branches. All dry inflorescences and lower foliage are also cut off.
  2. Rejuvenating is carried out on shoots that are more than 4 years old. This is especially true for thin shoots. They are removed at the very root.
  3. Thinning removes all overgrowth and weakened zero shoots.
  4. Flowering is performed at the very end of the procedure. All skeletal branches are shortened to 2-4 pairs of buds. In the coming season, strong flowering shoots will grow from them.

How to prune a panicle hydrangea

This variety produces significantly fewer shoots per season than the tree-like variety, so pruning paniculate hydrangea is easier. A shoot is formed from each bud on skeletal branches, at the end of which an inflorescence is located. Without this procedure, the bush will turn into a thick ball over the course of several years. He will not have the strength to bloom.

With the autumn thinning of paniculate hydrangea, all thin shoots are removed, and the bush is also thinned out. It should be remembered about the formation of the crown. Zero shoots should be cut regularly. The main branches are shortened to 1-3 pairs of buds.

Formation of large-leaved hydrangea

Many believe that the large-leaved hydrangea can bloom on last year's shoots. But this is not the case. Inflorescences are formed on the branches of the current year, which have grown from the buds that are on last year's shoots. Pruning is done very carefully and carefully so as not to harm the plant, making it impossible for it to bloom.

The main thing is to preserve the branches that have grown in the current season, but have not bloomed yet during the procedure. Old, faded and lignified shoots are cut off. Also, diseased and broken branches, zero shoots and all the formed growth are cut off.

Pruning hydrangeas in the fall is a simple but very demanding procedure. In order for the plant to survive the winter frosts normally and bloom magnificently in the new season, it is important to follow the rules for performing haircuts, which depend on the species. Pruning allows you to preserve the beauty, grooming and life of the hydrangea.

Read also: Flowers for sowing and planting at the end of summer

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