How do I fertilize my strawberry plantation in the fall to get a high and high-quality harvest next year

  • Oct 05, 2021

Carrying out autumn feeding of strawberries in due time is the key to abundant yield in the next season. You can feed garden strawberries in the fall from early fall to October, performing this procedure along with foliage pruning. At the same time, top dressing with some fertilizers in October is undesirable, because it can harm the plants in winter.

Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Strawberry. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The use of organics for feeding strawberries

Gardeners usually use chicken manure for feeding with organic fertilizers, which is diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1:20. The solution is infused for two days before use and watering is carried out in the grooves between the strawberry bushes. Water carefully, do not let the tincture get on the leaves.

Chicken droppings should not be added to the soil dry, as the fertilizer tends to act aggressively and can burn the root system of the plant. The feeding procedure must be combined with abundant irrigation.

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Organic fertilization not only has a beneficial effect on the culture, but also helps in the restoration of the microflora and acidity of the earth. But in no case should we forget that an overdose of bird droppings leads to the accumulation of nitrates.

Chicken droppings. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Chicken droppings. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Loves strawberries and mullein. To prepare a fertilizer of the required concentration, you need to take one part of the mullein tincture and pour ten parts of the liquid. If necessary, you can add one part of ash powder to ten parts of fertilizer into the composition. The tincture should be placed in a warm room for a day, after the expiration of time it can be used to treat a strawberry plantation (1 l / 1 plant).

Mullein can be replaced with slurry diluted with liquid in a ratio of 1: 8. Let the solution stand for two days, and then apply 1 liter of strawberries for each plant when processing.

Some summer residents use rotted manure as mulch in the aisles, which decomposes over several years and supplies crops with useful substances.

As an organic matter, you can use nettle tincture, which contains potassium, nitrogen and iron. To prepare the tincture, take a large dish, fill 2/3 with nettles, pour in the liquid and leave to ferment. The tincture will be ready in 7-10 days, the bushes are watered with it at the root.

Feeding strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Feeding strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Bread leftovers can be added to the nettle. This type of feeding will help the bushes to form strong shoots and, due to the potassium content, will improve the taste of the berries.

In the last days of October, you can feed with potassium and phosphorus. In this case, you should use complex drugs. Ash powder can also be used. It is introduced dry into the soil at the base of the bushes or added during digging when preparing the planting site in the fall (about one glass of wood ash per 1 sq. m).

This method helps to create pest defenses and prevent gray rot.

You can apply ash tincture (100-150 g / bucket of liquid), bring about 0.5 liters under the bush.

Gardeners lay out the grass between the strawberry bushes, sprinkling with a layer of soil. Plants, when decomposed, saturate the earth with useful substances.

If you did not have time to add fertilizing in the autumn, postpone the procedures until the next season, as excess nitrogen will not allow the plants to properly prepare for winter.

Feeding strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Feeding strawberries. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Top dressing in the fall with mineral fertilizers

All treatments with mineral fertilizers should be carried out in conjunction with irrigation.

Potassium salt is used in a ratio of 20 g / bucket of liquid, superphosphate (10 g) is diluted in water (10 l). Introduced in the aisles.

For root feeding, take potassium salt (20 g), nitrophoska (1 tbsp. l.), diluted in water (10 l). Contribute under one plant no more than 1 liter.

Nitrophoska is also used during transplantation. At the same time, 40 g of the substance are added to the hole. The roots should not come into contact with the granules to avoid burns.

You can apply top dressing by mixing some fertilizers with organic matter. For example, for autumn feeding, use a mixture consisting of a mullein solution (1 l / 10 l of liquid), ash powder (1 glass) and superphosphate (2 tbsp. l.).

They also use a mixture of nitroammofoska (2 tbsp. l.) and ash (1 glass).

It is undesirable to add liquid dressings after September.

You can use the simplest way and at the beginning of autumn treat the bushes with "Kemira" or other complex fertilizer for garden strawberries.

Read also:How to properly prune strawberries after harvest

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