Why two excavators don't dig a hole twice as fast: the Ringelmann effect

  • Oct 07, 2021
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Why two excavators don't dig a hole twice as fast: the Ringelmann effect

At the very beginning of the 20th century, the French scientist Maximilian Ringelmann conducted a series of experiments in the field of human labor efficiency, as a result of which he immediately came to several interesting conclusions. Today, the professor's conclusion is commonly referred to as the Ringelmann effect. What is its essence and why humanity cannot overcome this effect?

The efficiency of the individual decreases as the workforce grows. / Photo: pikabu.ru.
The efficiency of the individual decreases as the workforce grows. / Photo: pikabu.ru.
The efficiency of the individual decreases as the workforce grows. / Photo: pikabu.ru.

Maximilian Ringelmann conducted experiments in the field of labor productivity. The scientist worked with people of different ages and professions. The most revealing was his experiment with weights. First, Ringelmann asked people to lift different weights to determine what each of them was capable of, after which he set up focus groups. On average, the participants were able to lift up to 80 kg.

The experiment was repeated several times. / Photo: 4brain.ru.
The experiment was repeated several times. / Photo: 4brain.ru.
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Thus, Maximilian Ringelmann logically assumed that two people should be able to lift a load of 160 kg. However, this did not happen and not one of the focus groups did not cope with the task: two people could not lift twice the weight. Further calculations showed that as soon as people start working together, their efficiency rate drops to 93%. The subsequent increase in the number of employees engaged in one business continues to reduce the indicator of individual efficiency.

Affects overall labor productivity. / Photo: knopki-bablo.net.
Affects overall labor productivity. / Photo: knopki-bablo.net.

This feature is called the "Ringelmann effect" and has been repeatedly proven by subsequent experiments of the professor and his followers. People cannot overcome the "threshold of decline" in any way. This phenomenon is explained by two things. Firstly, when several people are engaged in one business, a variety of ergonomic and logistical costs begin to arise in the working process. Secondly, a purely psychological aspect works: when a person realizes that he has someone to rely on, he does not give all his best.

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At the same time, the team still does more work per circle. / Photo: newsproxy.biz.
At the same time, the team still does more work per circle. / Photo: newsproxy.biz.

The key "paradox" is that an increase in the number of people in most cases still leads to an increase in labor efficiency, and not to its decrease. This is because two workers with 93% efficiency will still give a total efficiency of 186%, instead of 100% efficiency of one person. Thus, two excavators will not dig a hole twice as fast, but they will still be able to do this one and a half times faster than one excavator.

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