How to get a big crop of onions: 4 Quick Tips

  • Dec 24, 2019

Onions - the most common vegetable crops that are grown on almost every plot. It is believed that to get a big crop of onions usually not difficult. But experienced gardeners know some tricks that help to significantly improve the productivity of this vegetable.

Growing onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Growing onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

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Rules to be observed

First of all, you need to choose a quality and a viable seed. One of the subtleties - to raise the bow of the Seva better. And it does not matter what size it is. Even the smallest of onions can grow the average size head. But 1 kg Seva small bulblets much more so, and the harvest will be rich. Therefore sevok the smaller, the more it is advantageous to acquire cultivation.

It is equally important to properly prepare the seed before planting in the ground. To induce sevok to growth, it is necessary to fill 15-20 minutes with hot water (temperature should be 40-50 ° C). Then it is necessary to shift it into cold water for cooling.

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To activate the internal forces lukovok, it is recommended to treat their growth stimulants, such as cyclones, Appin, Height-1, Humisol. You can soak for 4-5 hours in sevok complex mineral fertilizers. To disinfect sevok, its 0.5 hours immersed in pale pink solution of potassium permanganate.

It is important to properly select and prepare the land for this crop. It is not recommended to plant onions year after year to the same place, the yield from this drops sharply. The best precursors - cucumbers, cabbage, tomatoes, potatoes, which are often fed organic. It is undesirable to plant in the ground after the Onion garlic and carrots. To restore nutrients to the soil bow best to plant in the same place only after 3-5 years.

Planting onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Planting onions. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

It is desirable that in the beds was loose, lush land with neutral acidity. To the spring was less hassle, better dig site since the autumn and make rotted manure or compost. Limp to the substrate, it is necessary to pour into it lime, dolomite flour or sifted wood ash.

Before landing to wait for the soil warms up, so it's best to time it closer to the middle of May. In the land of make holes at a distance of 10 cm from each other. Spacing between rows should be at least. To speed up the germination of the pen tip of the bulbs need to cut with a sharp knife.

After planting, the main concern - the correct watering, fertilizing and pest and disease control.

Watering a flower bed should be regularly since the lack of moisture will lead to lower yields. However, waterlogging is undesirable, such onions after the harvest will be bad stored and quickly rot.

Feeding the first time you need to spend 2 weeks after planting. To this, 1 kg of manure or chicken manure 700 g should be diluted in 1 bucket of water, it is possible rain and abundantly pour all onions.

Onions on a bed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©
Onions on a bed. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license ©

At that time, when the bulb will be poured, you must enrich the soil with phosphorus and potassium. To this potassium salt was dissolved in water and superphosphate at the rate of 15 g per sq. meter beds.

Interesting and effective way to provide nutrients onion - use yeast. 100 g of fresh compressed yeast is stirred in 1 bucket of water. Fed plants after watering, and in a day you need to re-moisten the soil.

To combat the onion fly landing pollinate desirable periodically sieved wood ashes. Per 1 square. m must take 100-200 grams.

Effective from time to time to spray the onion infusion of herbs that grow in the country - with wormwood, mint, valerian.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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Read more: Onions and garlic: All you need to know to gardeners