Belarusians managed to build a country house from the container in just 2 days

  • Dec 24, 2019

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The best house for the suburban area.
The best house for the suburban area.

Belarusian traveled the world and came to the conclusion that there is no better holiday home than a house made of container. The owner has decided to show everyone that there is no point in making a big house, when it comes to giving.

Since cottage look to the home setting.
Since cottage look to the home setting.

Minsk dweller named Yaroslav established themselves at their summer cottage unusual dwelling. In the words of the owner, to the idea he was going for a long time. At first, he had quite a bit of traveling around the world, mostly for work. As a result, as recognized by Jaroslav, he came to a curious conclusion - the poorer the country, the higher and more spacious than the house itself erect those who are able to get to the money. With regard to this, and most of the countries of the former Soviet Union. Summer resident complains that the ideas of how it should look decent, functional suburban housing in the West, we were not quite penetrate quickly.

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House collected at the factory.
House collected at the factory.
Instead, the foundation is such a structure.
Instead, the foundation is such a structure.
It looks like after installation.
It looks like after installation.

As a result, a citizen of Minsk decided to build himself a country house from the container. First he had to find at home a company that dares to take on such an unusual project (according to national standards). Most often, for the installation "box" with a summer resident asked unjustified 20-25 thousand dollars, but in the end managed to find a company that was willing to execute the order of two times cheaper.

A small, but not small.
A small, but not small.
It looks quite nice and modern.
It looks quite nice and modern.
Part of the area was taken under the treasury.
Part of the area was taken under the treasury.

The house was made out of the container at the factory. It is interesting that for the installation of the home do not need to do foundation. Enough to put on the land a special metalwork. Once the house was ready, by means of two trailers delivered to the site. the process of installing home took almost two days. Having been connected to communications: electricity, water, sewerage. However, for this, it was necessary to dismantle and then collect one-third of the home again.

The house has high thresholds.
The house has high thresholds.
Inside, the house is organized as a studio.
Inside, the house is organized as a studio.
A place to sleep.
A place to sleep.

The house is far from just sea container. It does not have the "classic" wall of corrugated metal sheets. Moreover, it has a metal frame. The walls of the house are made of metal tubes, between which there is a heater. If you cut the wall, then you will see the following: the outer board, OSB plates, insulation, vapor barrier, another CAP-plate and finally drywall. Likewise, the floor and the roof were made.

Kitchen for cooking food.
Kitchen for cooking food.

Common bathroom, toilet here.

And here is the shower.
And here is the shower.

The dimensions of a country house from the container up 4h8h2.5 meters. The total area - 32 sq.m, a living area of ​​27 sq.m. Couple meter went into the creation of the pantry, where the owner keeps the most important gardening tools. Inside this cottage is organized on the principle of studio apartments. It is conventionally the interior can be divided into four parts: a living room, kitchen, bathroom and, of course, a place to sleep. The house is equipped with everything necessary for a comfortable life.

Here is the plot as a whole.
Here is the plot as a whole.

Continuing the theme 20 houses, a tiny amount of which does not mean hardship and privation owners and not only.

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