For those who are in white: What underwear to choose, so that it is not shone

  • Dec 24, 2019

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What to wear under a white blouse?
What to wear under a white blouse?

Women working in the office, are required to follow a strict dress code, where one of the requirements states that the underwear in no case should not "shine" through clothing. But at the same time, the white blouse - a mandatory element of business style, and it is white "light" all that is not necessary. What color should be a bra to make it invisible under white clothes? Do you think white? And here and there. In fact, the answer will surprise many women.

White insidious.
White insidious.

According to surveys, very popular among the ladies enjoyed the black underwear, followed by white and "Nude". Red prefer often only for special occasions, and very vain. After all, the red bra is less noticeable under white clothing! Surprised? But this is a scientific explanation.

You will not believe, but they are all in red lingerie.
You will not believe, but they are all in red lingerie.

Regardless of race and color, each dermis has a reddish tone. Laws of color and feature visual perception can work wonders - red blends with the body, why and looks at white very quickly. Ensure miracle effect can be in the image below. In the first case on the mannequin white bra, which is easily visible under the shirt, the second - red, which can not be seen.

instagram viewer

White under white.
White under white.
Red under the white.
Red under the white.

But choosing a red bra, it is worth remembering about the unique undertone dermis. So, ladies, with pale skin should choose bras basic red, but women with dark skin should give preference to the wine shade or "burgundy". Only pink and fuchsia definitely not be selected, in this case, the reception will not work.

The choice of pale-skinned - classic red.
The choice of pale-skinned - classic red.
Have a body covered tan, the best choice - wine shades.
Have a body covered tan, the best choice - wine shades.
But with pink underwear trick fails.
But with pink underwear trick fails.

For those who always want to look your best, you should pay attention to 7 mistakes in the selection of lingerie that are sure once made.

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