Only 25 minutes and you will no longer see moles on the site! I learned from the neighbors a way to get out all the moles without traps and bottles

  • Oct 24, 2021

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This summer cottage season was marked by a real invasion of moles. At some point, these animals appeared in almost every area of ​​our partnership. They could literally be picked like mushrooms after rain. It turned out that one of the neighbors had come up with an effective way to deal with moles. As a result, the animals suddenly began to crawl to the surface.

The presence of moles on the site is a nightmare for many summer residents and gardeners. It is not very pleasant to watch the appearance of earthen mounds on the beds or lawns every day.
Only 25 minutes and you will no longer see moles on the site! I learned from the neighbors a way to get out all the moles without traps and bottles

Nevertheless, moles provide some benefits. They loosen the soil, making it more fertile. Also, these animals feed on mice and bears, which is a positive moment for the owners of the plots.

Some gardeners do not mind that moles live on their territory. Others take active measures to get rid of uninvited guests. Imagine that the flowers on the site had just risen, as a mound from a mole appeared in their place. Animals destroy many plants by destroying root systems. Therefore, many still try to fight moles, because they value the vegetation on their site.

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What methods of dealing with moles are there?

To date, many means have already been invented aimed at exterminating moles. To combat pests, traps are placed in their holes, tampons soaked in ammonia are placed in the passages. Also, plastic bottles with rotten eggs are placed in the holes, or they simply fill the mole passages with water from a hose.

I will tell you about one effective method for surviving animals from minks. This is how my neighbor got rid of the moles on the site.

Needless to say, no living thing can survive without oxygen? To lure a mole out of his dwelling, you just need to cut off his oxygen supply. How can this be done?

My neighbor did this: he took a flexible wide tube (an ordinary garden hose with a diameter of at least 32 millimeters is fine). The neighbor used a 50mm corrugation, which is designed for underground electrical wiring.

He led one end of the corrugation into the mole's hole.

Other minks, which were found on the site, he lightly tamped down with his foot.

The neighbor connected the other end of the corrugation to the exhaust pipe of the car. You can use any available exhaust gas source, such as a gasoline generator, lawn mower, etc. Anything that runs on an internal combustion engine.

The neighbor started the car and waited. It took about half an hour until all the passages were filled with exhaust gases. It should be noted that the length of the mole passages under the ground exceeds 100 meters.

Animals began to crawl out of the ground, not only on the neighbor's site, but also on all nearby sites. Then I went to my neighbor for an explanation, and he told me about this effective method.

After the moles leave their burrows, it remains only to catch them in any convenient way. I took the collected animals to the field, which is 30 kilometers from the site, and released them into the wild. I hope they never come back to my beds!

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