Why a traumatic pistol is useless for self-defense

  • Oct 26, 2021
Why a traumatic pistol is useless for self-defense

With the growth of social tension in society, the demand for means of ensuring personal safety also grows. Never before have all kinds of trainings and special means been so popular in the country and in the world. One of the latter is the traumatic pistol. Citizens are quite willing to buy them. True, at the same time, many forget that it is still not suitable as a means of self-defense for most situations.

The traumatic pistol is almost useless. / Photo: ru.artsdot.com.
The traumatic pistol is almost useless. / Photo: ru.artsdot.com.
The traumatic pistol is almost useless. / Photo: ru.artsdot.com.

Self-defense is generally one of the most slippery matters in criminal law. Alas, the current practice clearly demonstrates that the courts, to put it mildly, do not always take the side of a person who defended himself and his loved ones. Many will joke gloomily: in our country it is easier to die than to defend yourself in court in a case of exceeding self-defense. In response to this, one can only joke just as gloomily about the opposite: they get out of prison, but not from the grave. In any case, traumatic weapons today are one of the most popular types of special equipment for protecting oneself-loved one.

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Suitable for home and car. / Photo: litvin.org.
Suitable for home and car. / Photo: litvin.org.

True, when choosing a traumatic pistol, many citizens completely forget that for most situations it is actually useless. Traumatic weapons have a number of serious disadvantages. First, there is clearly insufficient stopping effect, especially when it comes to shooting at winter clothing. Second: the difficulty of carrying this weapon. Third: the skill of using it, including in the issue of the speed of bringing into a combat position. The latter is especially critical for the average man in the street, since the vast majority of people, for objective reasons, are not able to spend additional time and money on weapons training. To all this, it is worth adding the psychological component and the difficulty of realizing the potential of a traumatic weapon in case of an unexpected attack.

A can is much better suited. / Photo: calibr.by.
A can is much better suited. / Photo: calibr.by.

Of course, to say that trauma is useless in absolutely all situations is an exaggeration. A traumatic pistol can be a good means of self-defense at home or in the country, as well as in a car. In other words, in any place and situation where the defender will have at least some semblance of initiative for action in an extreme situation. But to protect yourself on the street, the most effective means of self-defense are such things as good physical fitness (first of all, running) and pepper spray.

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Fast legs also work well. / Photo: bezformata.com.
Fast legs also work well. / Photo: bezformata.com.

Continuing the topic, you can read about what means of self-defense are officially allowed to be kept in the car.
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