How I plant flowers before winter: rules, terms and my useful tips

  • Oct 27, 2021

As soon as autumn comes, you need to take care of the appearance of the garden area next year: remove fallen leaves, prepare new planting sites for sowing crops. Dry seed shipped into the soil in November or early December can withstand severe frosts down to -30 ° C. I will share with you information about which flower crops can be planted in late autumn with seeds in an open area, how to properly prepare the soil with planting material.

Calendula. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Calendula. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Calendula. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Winter-hardy flower plants

Many grains have a hard protective shell. During winter sowing, they are treated with low temperatures. The surface softens, and the sprout is hardened, development is enhanced in it.

Such plants have an early and lush flowering. For sowing, you can use seeds of both annual and perennial crops.

Of the annuals, the following flowers are suitable for sowing in late autumn:

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  • cornflower;
  • marigold;
  • calendula;
  • nasturtium.
Nasturtium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Nasturtium. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

To save time on planting, you can sow perennials. They grow faster and bloom the next season.

Purchased seedlings of ornamental plants are quite expensive, and sowing seeds will be cheaper.

Perennials suitable for winter planting:

  • lavender;
  • gentian;
  • aquilegia.

A description of the crops can be found in the seed catalogs. Study them carefully and you can easily determine which seed material can be sown in late autumn.

At the end of the summer season, collect seeds from the flowers you like for further planting.

The optimal time for winter sowing of flower seeds in the soil

I start sowing seeds from the first days of October to November 15, if the weather is dry and there is no snow cover. During this period, the temperature at night can drop to -5 ° C.

The main conditions for a decent overwintering of seed in the ground are:

  • dry seeds;
  • there should be no germination on the planting material;
  • when planting, seeds should be covered with dry, not frozen soil.

The purpose of winter sowing is to ensure the safety of seeds and create conditions for rapid germination.

Sowing seeds. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Sowing seeds. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Preparation of land and seeds

I start cooking flower beds in late summer - early September. I choose a sunny and wind-protected area where snow will be retained. For this, the territories located on the south side of the house are well suited.

First of all, I bring humus or rotted manure to the flower bed in an amount of 4-6 kg / 1 sq. m, as well as potassium chloride (30 g / sq. m) and superphosphate (35-40 g / sq. m). Then I start digging the earth and level it with a rake. I draw grooves in the soil, I make the distance between them up to 12-15 cm. I do not soak the seed material before planting, I do not germinate it.

The soil for closing the grooves must be warm, I clean it before sowing in the room, typing it into a bucket.

Correct sowing

I carefully place the seeds in the prepared rows. For example, I sow flowers such as tagetes or chamomile in the form of a continuous strip. I fall asleep on top with warm soil.

So that the snow lingers on the bed, I cover the plantings with residues from vegetation, pine or spruce branches.

As soon as spring comes, I open the flower bed. After the soil dries out, I carry out weeding and loosening, thinning the plantings.

I wait for up to 3-4 leaves to appear on the seedlings, and plant it in a permanent place.

If you know what kind of flower plants you can use for winter planting, you can grow your favorite crops in your flower bed without any extra hassle.

Read also: All do not care! How to deal with blackening and curling of pear leaves?

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#flowers#sowing seeds#autumn