Strange house in Bristol, or How to live in a house that looks more like cardboard decorations

  • Dec 14, 2020
Strange house in Bristol, or How to live in a house that looks more like cardboard decorations
Strange house in Bristol, or How to live in a house that looks more like cardboard decorations

Bristol is one of the oldest and most vibrant cities in Great Britain, famous for its unique maritime atmosphere and interesting sights. Among them you can find medieval castles, pompous cathedrals and a rather strange structure - a "cardboard" house. The narrow end of the building is perplexing to those who see it for the first time, and some residents of the narrow house do not even notice it.

A quite ordinary-looking house turned out to be a narrow "cardboard" house (Bristol, Great Britain). | Photo:
A quite ordinary-looking house turned out to be a narrow "cardboard" house (Bristol, Great Britain). | Photo:

Going to Bristol, the unspoken capital of West England, many tend to stroll through the old streets, visit museums, castles and certainly see the famous narrow house. Its lateral facade has reached a critical size - only 60 cm. For someone who sees such a spectacle for the first time in his life, it is even difficult to imagine how a massive two-story building can resist and not collapse from a simple breath of wind. But if you walk from the other side of the street, then this house does not stand out from the background of the nearby objects.

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Aerial view of a narrow house (Bristol, UK). | Photo:

Fun fact from Novate. Ru: Similar architectural creations can be found all over the world and who knows what reasons prompted the creators to erect such non-standard structures. But there are no special secrets in such designs - this is just a skillful optical illusion. To achieve a stunning effect, one corner of the house is necessarily made almost sharp, and the other is standard. Due to this, it seems that this is an ordinary props, and not a residential building.

Backyard of a narrow house (Bristol, UK). | Photo:

As a rule, such houses attract everyone's attention and turn into a tourist attraction, but a very curious story happened to the house in Bristol. One of the residents of this strange house, 59-year-old Andy Watson, lived for almost 20 years and had no idea that he lived in such an extraordinary place. He found out that his apartment was located in a well-known "cardboard" house quite by accident, when his relatives came to visit him.

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Andy Watson for 17 years did not even suspect that he was living in an unusual house (Bristol, UK). | Photo:

Andy was so surprised that he did not believe the guests and went to see if this was really so. He explains his ignorance by the fact that he lives on the side where the building is quite familiar and goes to work in the same direction, so he could not think of such a feature. Naturally, everyone is interested in how they live in such apartments, but since a man for 17 years did not notice that the house was unusual, he did not feel any inconvenience. He only said that at the narrow end there is a laundry room with four washing machines, which are used by several residents who have smaller apartments.

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House-"cardboard" on one of the streets of Bristol (UK). | Photo:

Such houses are found in other cities of the world and are associated with no less interesting stories, which can be found in the following material.
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