I'm talking about growing cucumbers on the windowsill in winter - fresh vitamins are always at hand when there is snow outside the window

  • Oct 29, 2021

With a competently performed planting of a cucumber culture, it will be possible to harvest fragrant fruits in the winter in an apartment. To do this, you need to choose the right varieties and follow the recommendations for caring for the garden on the windowsill.

Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

I give preference to such self-pollinating types of cucumbers that ripen perfectly at home, such as Balcony, Room miracle, Courage.

Sowing dates

The time of planting cucumbers depends on the goal setting. I calculate it depending on the variety. Each variety ripens at a certain time, so I practice sowing several times, starting in September, with an interval of 15-25 days.

This allows you to feast on fresh greens for a long time.

The choice of capacity and soil

Even the compact cucumber bushes, which are predominantly grown at home, need room.

I use both individual pots with a volume of 4-5 liters and rectangular containers with a length that matches the windowsill. I expect that one plant should be 15-20 cm in length. When choosing containers, I pay attention to the presence of holes at the bottom. I install containers in special trays, where excess moisture flows.

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Seedlings of cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com
Seedlings of cucumbers. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license © ofazende.com

I buy loose soil with a high fertility rate. If necessary, I make up the soil mixture myself on the basis of high-quality compost and fertile garden soil. I supplement these components with ash and sand. Overall ratio: 2: 2: 1: 1:

I heat the mixture for 25-30 minutes at 100 ° C in the oven. After cooling down, add the mineral complex (30 g) recommended for pumpkin crops to the bucket of the substrate. I fill the containers with the mixture. A day before sowing, the soil is abundantly watered with settled water.

Seed preparation

I disinfect self-harvested cucumber grains with a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 1.5-2 hours. I throw out the empty seeds that have come up.

The rest of the grains are filled with water warmed up to + 35... 36 ° C. After 3 hours, I place them between layers of damp soft cloth. After their pecking, I immediately start sowing.

Planting options for cucumbers

You can grow cucumbers at home in different ways:

  • Seed method. I plant seeds directly into prepared containers. I put 3 seeds in each individual pot and cover it with glass until sprouts form. Then you can remove the extra shoots. A pick is not required in such a situation.
  • Seedling method. I plant seeds with an interval of 3-4 cm in a common seedling box. I keep it under the film. After the emergence of shoots, I remove the shelter. When 2-3 leaves are formed on the stalks, I make a pick. I move the seedlings to a prepared permanent place, choosing a sill with a southern orientation.

Organization of care

Further development of cucumbers depends on the competent implementation of all agrotechnical measures:

Growing cucumbers in the winter on the windowsill. Illustration for the article is used from the site stroy-m.org
Growing cucumbers in the winter on the windowsill. Illustration for the article is used from the site stroy-m.org
  • I water the cucumber plantings every 2-3 days with moderately settled water in the room. I spray the aboveground part daily. To provide the necessary moisture for the plants, I pour expanded clay into the pallet, which I systematically moisten.
  • I start feeding after the formation of 3-5 leaves. I use Nitroammofoska (10 g / 3 l of water). I pour in at the stage of development of the stems 300-500 ml under the bush. When fruiting, this volume is increased to 1 liter. During the flowering period, I use ash (0.5 cups / 5 l). Every 20 days I apply Agrolife combined fertilizer that stimulates fruiting.
  • After the appearance of 4-5 leaves on the central lash, I pinch the top of the head. This activates the development of lateral shoots. I leave 3-4 strong shoots, which I pinch after 10-11 leaves. A well-ventilated and well-lit bush is gradually formed, giving a good harvest.

To save the lashes from breakage, I install supports. I collect fruits every day.

It is important for indoor cultivation of cucumbers to provide them with sufficient lighting by equipping a number of lamps. It is dangerous to pour in excess water, which can lead to root rot. It is imperative to protect the planting from drafts.

Read also: Cucumber leaves turn yellow - how to fight?

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