Harmful folk advice that will quickly ruin your favorite shoes

  • Jun 08, 2022
Shoes need to be taken care of every day. Photo: pervo.ru
Shoes need to be taken care of every day. / Photo: pervo.ru
Shoes need to be taken care of every day. / Photo: pervo.ru

Spring is coming! Spring way! This means that it is time to change winter shoes for spring ones and hide the first one in the mezzanine. But before doing this, leather shoes must be prepared so that they do not deteriorate, waiting in the wings. Do not rush to apply the advice of grandmothers or neighbors, otherwise you risk getting into a tidy sum at the beginning of the next season!

And I heard...

Previously, shoes were lubricated with lard so that they would not get wet. Photo: vikings-warofclans.ru
Previously, shoes were lubricated with lard so that they would not get wet. Photo: vikings-warofclans.ru
Previously, shoes were lubricated with lard so that they would not get wet. Photo: vikings-warofclans.ru

For many thousands of years, a person has been transmitting information to another in a verbal way, i.e. words. We can read, watch and listen a lot, but we have the maximum confidence in the quality of knowledge when we receive it from people we know. That's how nature works.

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If someone were to take the liberty of creating the most complete "Encyclopedia of People's Councils", then Wikipedia would have to give up its title of "The Largest Encyclopedia in the World". And, of course, there would be a section on shoe care. The use in this case of baby cream, lard, old vegetable oil, candle wax, we would place in the chapter "Bad Advice".

Top popular bad advice

Folk craftsmen know how to surprise. / Photo: cpykami.ru
Folk craftsmen know how to surprise. / Photo: cpykami.ru

If you want your favorite shoes to last longer, never do this:

1. At the end of the season, lubricate leather shoes with lard, baby cream or linseed oil.

It is believed that such an impregnation will make the skin softer and more elastic, and the next time you get a pair of shoes out of the box in perfect condition. But imagine what can happen to lard in a confined space! At the very least, there will be a terrible smell inside the box, which will be difficult to get rid of. The same can be said about the use of vegetable oil, only here there will be another unpleasant bonus: the oil will be absorbed into the skin and make it hard!
You must admit that a tube of shoe cream costs much less than a new pair of shoes or boots.

2. Use hairspray as a water repellant

The hairspray we are used to appeared about seventy years ago. / Photo: reviewzorro.ru
The hairspray we are used to appeared about seventy years ago. / Photo: reviewzorro.ru

What happens to hair after using varnish? Correctly! They get dirtier. A similar result will be with shoes: you get a layer of dust and dirt on a sticky surface. If you still decide to take this advice, then be prepared to become the owner of a spotted pair of shoes, because. some super strong hold varnishes corrode the paint.

3. Put a piece of lemon inside the boot

It is better to add lemon to tea, and buy a spray for shoes. / Photo: dnpr.com.ua
It is better to add lemon to tea, and buy a spray for shoes. / Photo: dnpr.com.ua

This is the winner of the "weird hacks" contest! The advisers suggest doing this madness for DISINFECTION and odor elimination!

Of course, if the shoes are used every day, an unpleasant odor can develop over time. But the lemon is no help in this matter. A shoe is an ideal place for bacteria to live and multiply, and then mold.
It is better to use antiseptic sprays for shoes, which you can choose for every taste and budget. They protect shoes and feet from harmful bacteria. Add a slice of lemon to your tea.

4. Touch up scratches or scuffs with hair dye or a felt-tip pen
No no no! If shoes are dear to you, then do not be stingy and take them for restoration. Now this direction is developed in all cities. The procedure is more expensive than felt-tip pens, but cheaper than a new pair of shoes.

Do not forget about those tips that are inferior in creativity to the previous ones, but have become commonplace for many families. If you want to destroy your favorite shoes, then do not forget to dry them on a radiator / heated towel rail, do not use mold holders (even an elementary newspaper), wash in a washing machine, and a shoe spoon is generally for bores, because normal people have an index finger!

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But seriously?

Do not be lazy to follow the elementary rules of shoe care. / Photo: media.price.ua
Do not be lazy to follow the elementary rules of shoe care. / Photo: media.price.ua

But seriously, any shoe needs care. Even with rising prices, care products are cheaper than a new pair of quality shoes.

Clean your shoes properly! Clean leather shoes, boots, shoes from dust, dirt and traces of the old cream. This can be done with a tissue paper and shoe shampoo. Let your shoes dry! It is important. Then apply a special cream, polish it with a brush (natural horsehair bristles). Later, you can wipe clean shoes with velvet. This will add shine to the shoes.

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For patent leather shoes, use special products. / Photo: sovremennoedomovodstvo.ru
For patent leather shoes, use special products. / Photo: sovremennoedomovodstvo.ru

For lacquered shoes, the cream should be silicone-based, and replace the brush with a flannel napkin, because. this type of skin is easily damaged.

Before you hide your shoes after the winter season, take them to a service that will clean them of reagents with high quality. Do not do it yourself, because. spots may appear. Usually, the price includes cream treatment. If not, you can do it yourself at home.

For storage, you will need a box, shape holders (you can use paper or newspaper) and individual shoe bags. Everything! And after 5-6 months you will get shoes in perfect condition out of the box. Before going out for the first time, do not forget to wipe your shoes and treat them with a water-repellent agent.

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