Many do not even know that cabbage can be planted before winter. I tried and now I always do this

  • Oct 29, 2021
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Experienced gardeners have long been engaged in winter sowing of cabbage. But for some novice gardeners, this method of planting a vegetable crop is considered rather peculiar and questionable. Today I will tell you about the positive properties of this method of planting and how you need to perform the procedure itself and at what time.

Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Winter sowing of cabbage

Before deciding to plant cabbage in the fall, you should weigh the pros and cons.


The advantages of this technique include the following points:

  • seed material that has managed to survive frost becomes more resistant to cold weather and infections;
  • vegetables ripen at an accelerated rate;
  • during autumn planting, additional processing of the beds in the spring will not be required and there will be no need to cultivate seedlings on the windowsill;
  • the snow cover melts in the spring and helps to feed the crops with moisture.
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And here you can not do without disadvantages:

  • more seed will be needed, since some of the seeds die;
  • the beds should be prepared after completing gardening;
  • it is impossible to determine the exact date of sowing;
  • unexpected winter warming and frost can spoil seeds or germinate them ahead of schedule.
Cabbage in a greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Cabbage in a greenhouse. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Planting process technology

Before sowing, you should properly prepare the seed material, the site and not violate the planting time.

The choice of planting material

The seeds do not need processing when used for winter sowing. The main condition is the use of dry planting seeds. Use plenty of seed, as frost is likely to kill some of your crops.

Landing dates

I do not advise planting seeds in early autumn, otherwise the cabbage may germinate after planting, and frosts will destroy the crops. To prevent this from happening, it is better to wait until frost appears. Soil temperature should not exceed +3 ° C.

The main criterion for landing is the weather conditions:

  • November is suitable in the middle lane;
  • in southern regions should be planted in late autumn;
  • in the north, the cold comes earlier; the end of October is chosen for sowing.

Site preparation

I start preparing the soil back in September:

  1. First, I dig up the bed.
  2. I destroy weeds.
  3. I add limestone to the soil (200 g / sq. m)
  4. I add a mixture of manure (10 l), ash powder (1 kg) and superphosphate (200 g) to the ground.

Seed material can be sown:

  • into the grooves;
  • scattering evenly over the garden.
Seedlings of cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Seedlings of cabbage. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Recommendations of experienced summer residents

Before you start planting a crop in late autumn, you need to familiarize yourself with all of its technology.

Experts of this method, who have been using it for several years, can tell about this:

  1. Dig up the site in advance, as soon as you work the soil (in September).
  2. Prepare the loose soil that you will use for sprinkling the seeds in advance.
  3. Mulch the plantings with sawdust, spunbond, spruce branches. When it gets warm, remove the shelter.
  4. When sprouts appear, treat them with organic matter and mineral fertilizers.
  5. As soon as spring comes, thin out the plantings.
  6. Watering should be uniform, about once a week.
  7. For winter planting, use the seeds of frost-resistant mid- to late-ripening cabbage.

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#cabbage#landing in the winter#useful tips