3 myths about exposes methods stop counter

  • Dec 26, 2019

Once a month, the person in charge of the tenant at the time of receipt of the necessary payment notification Electricity is usually a little bad mood: accounts frequently come solid, and twice a year rising prices.

In these circumstances, some have an idea to reduce the amount of payment stop or slow down the counter. The network describes the mass of the "ways" to solve this problem. Try to understand how they are efficient and which effect is given as a result.

1. The use of magnet

The principle of operation of some counters based on the transmission of the rotational movement of the disc on a mechanical counting element. Reduce its readings can be delayed or stop.

Existed at the time the reception based on propihivanii a protective thin film of glass or needles so that they stopped the disc just his touch, is unreliable because leaves traces.

At first glance it looks attractive transition to "non-contact" mechanism using a neodymium magnet as shown in figure 1 and 2. Buy it is no problem.

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That's just the effect will not be any of it:

  • Details counting mechanism made of nonmagnetic material;
  • a number of companies set a Power-magnetic seals on the meters that change color or just fall apart when exposed to a strong magnetic field.
So you have to spend twice: the first time to buy a magnet, and the second - on the payment of a fine and the design flow at higher rates.
Picture 1. Counter drive stop of the old model neodymium magnet
Picture 1. Counter drive stop of the old model neodymium magnet
Figure 2. Fitting neodymium magnet counter Mercury-230
Figure 2. Fitting neodymium magnet counter Mercury-230

2. Grounding the neutral wire

Another myth is based on the fact that the meter can be fooled grounded neutral conductor directly to a water pipe or heating pipe. One possible scheme is shown in Figure 3. We strongly recommend even to experiment in this direction.

The fact is that the serviceable counter slower network will not work. At the same time, any emergency or even a simple reverse rotation is immediately lead to the fact that all ersatz land would be under 220-volt voltage and any touch staid pipes lead to electric shock, which is dangerous for life.

Figure 3. Connect to ground zero
Figure 3. Connect to ground zero

3. Puncture

The essence of this method is based on the bypass meter bridge, whereby the current therethrough is significantly reduced. To mask damage to the insulation is pierced, which gave the name of the method.

This procedure is quite efficient, so only serious savings can not be expected from it. Firstly, the resistance bridge must be significantly smaller than the resistance of the counter, which differs only slightly from zero.

We visually little noticeable bridges will always be a high resistance. Second, pinholes does not provide a low contact resistance, which in turn increases the total resistance of the jumper.

So the effect will be, but a little and it will stop at the time of the inspection visit.


As you can see, there are various proposals on the meter hype and some of them even sometimes give some effect. That's just it will be quite small, fraught with the risk of obtaining a solid fine, and some manipulations are often life-threatening.

However, in the home can be completely honest to save electrical energy.

This will require:

  • replace powerful consumers (primarily fridge) for modern class not enlarge;
  • turn off unnecessary consumers;
  • apply modern light bulbs with low power consumption for lighting;
  • be careful when you use the light.

Compliance with these simple rules and recommendations, resulting in a noticeable effect and reduces the cost of electricity costs.