Note to gardeners: winter potatoes - how I plant potatoes in the fall

  • Nov 05, 2021

Any vegetable grower knows that potatoes are planted in spring, but there is another way - this is planting before winter. I use it and would like to share with you what points you should pay attention to.

Planting potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


  • The tubers do not need to be stored in the cellar for spring planting.
  • All eyes are perfectly preserved in the winter tuber.
  • Do not have to rush to plant in the spring.
  • There is no danger of frost return.
  • Weeding is not needed in the spring.
  • No need to hilling.
  • The ripening time of the crop is on average 2 weeks earlier.


  • When cold weather sets in and the temperature drops below -10 ° C, the potato tubers freeze.
  • The dirt and dampness of spring will cause the tubers to rot.
  • Clay soils become even denser, making it difficult for potato sprouts to break through the crust on the surface.
  • The likelihood of contamination of seeds with diseases increases.
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Winter varieties

If you are going to plant potatoes, then before that you need to find out from experienced summer residents which varieties are suitable for planting on your site.

Gloria potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Gloria potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

I can advise you potato varieties that are not afraid of temperature extremes and are not susceptible to various diseases.

  • Gloria. Potatoes are used for the first and second courses. It makes a delicious puree, casserole;
  • Nevsky. Good taste, better suited for salads and soups;
  • Latona. Potatoes boil well, great for mashed potatoes and baked as a whole;
  • Sante. Potatoes have a pleasant, rich taste, without excessive dryness or wateriness.

The timing of planting potatoes for the winter

Potatoes begin to be planted in the fall, in early October. Two weeks earlier, the seeds underwent a "greening" procedure, which saturates the tubers with solanine. Due to the high content of poison, pests will not be able to harm crops. Greened tubers that have passed the treatment period do not rot and give friendly healthy shoots.

Site preparation

We need a lighted area on a hill. The first time I planted potatoes in the lowlands. I really regretted it, because the tubers began to rot from the melt water that accumulated there. It is necessary to dig up the area before planting the tubers. I spill the soil with a solution of potassium permanganate. After that, I fertilize with the preparation "Diammofosk". It is a universal mineral fertilizer for better plant growth and development.

Landing technology

There are many methods for planting potatoes. I suggest you familiarize yourself with 2 methods that I have tried.

Method of planting potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Method of planting potatoes. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


This is an easy way to plant in rows, keeping a certain distance between the bushes:

  1. I dig grooves along the lines that I make with stakes and rope. I leave the distance between the grooves about 80 cm. If you are going to grow large potatoes, then the distance needs to be increased.
  2. I put the tubers in a row at a distance of 30 cm from each other, and the depth of the ditches is 8-10 cm.
  3. Then I plant them in the ground.
  4. Cover with a small layer of spruce branches on top, and on top of it - with straw.
  5. If you want to protect the seeds from rodents and protect them from poison, then you should put poisonous baits on the shelter.
  6. Then I cover all the landings with spunbond.

Do not cover the tubers with polyethylene film - they will rot.


This method consists in the fact that first you need to prepare hay. Garden soil, compost and ash in a ratio of 3: 1: 1 can be used as a basis for preparing a nutrient substrate.

  1. I lay hay in the selected area in an even layer 30 cm thick.
  2. I mark the rows one by one.
  3. I leave the distance in the aisle about a meter.
  4. Using a sharp wooden stake, in a staggered manner, I punch holes for seeds through a layer of hay.
  5. I pour a glass of fertilizer into each hole and put a tuber.
  6. I fall asleep with earth and twist the hole in the hay into a bunch.
  7. I cover with spunbond for the winter, without waiting for the time when the snow falls.

Growing and care

Potatoes need almost no maintenance. It does not require constant hilling of bushes, as well as weeding as in spring.


The seeds were saturated with fertilizer before planting, hardened by the introduced before planting. It is not required to feed the culture in the future. During the flowering period, I feed the potatoes with the preparation "Baikal M-1", which I add during watering.

Soil care

And in the spring, after the snow melts, I remove the mulch. On the site I install arcs under the spunbond, the soil no longer needs care. I clean the greenhouse after germination. I loosen the soil, huddle bushes and mulch.

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#winter potatoes#potato varieties#landing