How to process currants if the leaves are covered with red spots and curl

  • Nov 12, 2021
How to process currants if the leaves are covered with red spots and curl

Currant is an amazing fruit shrub that provides a person not only with tasty and healthy berries, but also raw materials for various preparations and fortified tea. Leaves are used for this purpose. However, some summer residents are faced with a problem when the leaves become covered with red spots and begin to curl. What is the reason for this and how to save the bush?

Red spots on currant leaves are the result of aphids / Photo:
Red spots on currant leaves are the result of aphids / Photo:
Red spots on currant leaves are the result of aphids / Photo:

Lesions of this nature are the result of aphids. If nothing is done, then the shoots are bent, the bush becomes susceptible to disease and may even partially dry out.

Ants are constant companions of aphids, which carry the pest throughout the plant / Photo:
Ants are constant companions of aphids, which carry the pest throughout the plant / Photo:

Ants are constant companions of aphids, which act not only as carriers of the pest, but also as its personal protection. Not only currants suffer from aphids. Apple trees, plums, and other plantings to her liking. Therefore, it is imperative to get rid of this small, but such an unsafe pest for plants.

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An effective way to combat aphids

To combat aphids, it is necessary to prepare a stock solution, which includes water and red pepper / Photo:
To combat aphids, it is necessary to prepare a stock solution, which includes water and red pepper / Photo:

Since the aphid is a sucking insect, any irritant that falls on it leads to the fact that it dies. To combat it, it is necessary to prepare a stock solution. You will need to take:

  • water - 1 liter;
  • ground red pepper - 50 grams.

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Water with pepper must be boiled for at least 10 minutes over low heat / Photo:
Water with pepper must be boiled for at least 10 minutes over low heat / Photo:

Boil water with pepper for at least 10 minutes over low heat. Since the solution cannot be called "weak", the room in which we prepare it must have a good ventilation system. The finished solution must be allowed to brew, so we leave it for ten to twelve hours.

In order for the product to stay on the leaves and, accordingly, on the aphids, you need to add ordinary laundry soap to it / Photo:
In order for the product to stay on the leaves and, accordingly, on the aphids, you need to add ordinary laundry soap to it / Photo:

After that, add water to make 5-6 liters. In order for the product to stay on the leaves and, accordingly, on the aphids, you need to add ten to fifteen grams of ordinary laundry soap to it. When working with the solution, one should not forget about personal protective equipment.

Processing should be carried out carefully: the solution should be on the leaves, not only on top, but also on the back / Photo:
Processing should be carried out carefully: the solution should be on the leaves, not only on top, but also on the back / Photo:

It is very important to carry out the processing carefully. The solution should be on the leaves, not only on top, but also on the back. It is recommended to do this in dry, calm weather. The tool works only with direct contact with aphids.

Continuing the topic read,
how to feed the currants so that the berries grow the size of a cherry.
A source:


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