When and how to plant peppers in the ground

  • Dec 24, 2019

Planting peppers produced in mid-May. Prior to this, you need to prepare the seedlings for which you 60 days, so it is recommended to sow grain by mid-March. 1-5 number - the best option.

Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Growing peppers. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

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Before planting plants in the garden you need to prepare the soil and grow seedlings. The date can be determined by the sowing calendar, about to sow the seeds need from February 20 to March 10. Step by step instructions planting peppers:

  • Preparing the soil for planting. It can be prepared with their own hands or buy a dedicated point of sale. To prepare the need peat humus in equal parts and 0.5 parts of sand. All components must be thoroughly mixed and screened to protect against parasites can be disinfected by steam, or add a preservative mixture (it can be purchased in gardening shop).
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  • The selection of seeds. They should inspect and spoiled away, and the rest to disinfect a manganese solution (30 minutes). The seeds are rinsed with water and poured into a gauze. They must leave for a week. During this time the seeds begin to break the eggshell.
  • Preparation of containers for seedlings. They can also buy, but it is better to use boxes, trays, or cut plastic containers, or other containers. Capacity disinfect. For this purpose, the boiling water, Chlorhexidine or potassium permanganate solution. Then it is poured premix soil.
  • The capacity of the ground seeds are laid hatched 2 cm apart. To do everything necessary to care not to damage the roots. Take the seeds can be a pair of tweezers, so as not to spoil the sprouting root. Top need to pour an additional 2 cm of soil and a little ram. Pour water at room temperature.
  • After about 6-8 weeks the seedlings will be planted in the garden. Land is being prepared, for any crop - dig, fertilized, watered. Seedlings, which is less than 60 days, more weak and less likely that it will take root in the ground.
  • Before removing the peppers from the containers for seedlings, they need to pour generously. You need to get the plant so that the soil on the roots was, and with him is planted peppers in the garden. After picking plants should be watered so that they settled down.
Planting seedlings in the ground pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Planting seedlings in the ground pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Council:transplant seedlings better in the evening, when there is no sun. During the night a little peppers take root in the ground.

As the drying ground pepper should be watered three times a season to feed. It is also necessary to take care of the elimination of parasites. Against aphids can help a decoction of onion peel and eggshells deter Medvedkov.

Do not forget to timely watering pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru
Do not forget to timely watering pepper. Illustration for an article is used for a standard license © ofazende.ru

There is another way of planting peppers in which seeds are planted directly into the ground in the garden. This method is considered to be simplistic, but in this case the plants are weaker and less yield. With this method, when the warm and sunny weather rises pepper 2-4 weeks. It is important to make sure that the distance between the bushes was not less than 0.1 m. If you accidentally get some seeds and they germinate in the hole, it is important to thin the seedlings so peppers do not interfere with each other. Watering is necessary to produce as required. It is important that the ground was wet, but the puddles on the list of a bed should not be.

original article and many other materials can be found on our website.

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