The whole truth about energy saving appliances

  • Dec 14, 2020

In recent years, there has been a constant increase in the cost of electricity, which forces users to take certain measures to economically use it. There are several "working" and non-legal ways to save on electricity, but all of them allow you to get a very modest result. Recently, some unusual devices have been mentioned in the press, allegedly allowing to save up to 30% of electricity from its total consumption (photo below).

Dealing with the "miracle" device

These products went on sale at about the same time. Depending on the specific region, they were given the following names:

  • Sber Box device.
  • Economical box "Smart Box".
  • "Energy Saver" or "Pover Saver".
  • Product "Saving-box".
Additional Information:Often they were called quite exotic (such as "Economy", etc.).

Experts who are well versed in economy were interested in only one thing - what arguments manufacturers give when they declare their wonderful properties. After all, these devices also appear to compensate for phase distortions, correct the shape of the curve and have a number of other "useful" functions. And all this for a very modest fee in the range of 280-430 rubles (photo below).

instagram viewer

The main reasoning is based on the assertion that these devices use innovative a technical solution that allows you to convert the reactive component of electricity into its active part.

Is it possible to turn the reactive component into an active

The only information similar to the truth in the description of the principle of operation of the device is the presence of active and reactive components of the consumed power in the operating networks. Everything else is a poorly disguised falsification, designed for an illiterate layman.

The following basic information drawn from electrical engineering will help explain this:

  • The reactive component appears in electrical circuits only if powerful inductive loads (induction motors, in particular) are included in them.
  • This situation is typical for industrial enterprises where an extensive fleet of machine tools is operated and where special meters are installed to account for the reactive component.
  • In addition, the engineers of enterprises spend titanic efforts to "fight" with it.
  • For this, bulky devices are designed and developed to compensate for the unwanted component.

And, finally, no information about theoretical developments, and even more so about obtaining practical results on the conversion of reactive power into active power, has not yet been given anywhere.

Presumably, the crooks read somewhere that the reactive component is not dissipated in the load and returns back to the network and, on the basis of this, developed the idea of ​​turning it into an active component.