Planting garlic on time is not enough for healthy and healthy growth. On the way to the harvest, many more difficulties await him. For example, yellowing of garlic tops can significantly impair the health of the plant and negatively affect the size of the bulbs. Today I will tell you how to avoid this problem and how to help yellowed garlic get better as soon as possible.
Causes of yellowing tops
As a rule, podzimny garlic, that is, planted in late autumn, turns yellow most often. Even if you managed to prevent its premature shoots, in early spring, after the snow melts, the plant will immediately grow. The first recurrent frosts can cause the garlic to turn yellow.
- Irregular watering
Abundant spring moisture will soon be absorbed into the soil. Plants that have not received nutrient water in time turn yellow.
- Soil features
Sour soil or moderately acidic soils are suitable for growing only some plants. And garlic is not on their list. Therefore, improperly prepared land for a garlic bed can provoke its yellowing and negatively affect the harvest.
- Lack of feeding
Timely fertilization is essential for all horticultural crops. Scanty bad soil does not provide the plant with enough nutrients, as a result of which the tops turn yellow and dry.
We grow a healthy garden
First of all, to obtain green strong tops, timely watering and feeding of garlic are necessary.
How to water properly
Garlic beds should be watered at least once a week. Do not forget to loosen the soil in a timely manner so that the earth does not turn stony. In dry summers, the bulbs need water even more often, so water the garden at least once every 5 days. In rainy periods, the procedure is carried out as the earth dries up.
Top dressing
Mineral and organic fertilizing promotes plant growth, strengthening of the rhizome, abundant flowering and a good harvest. I recommend feeding garlic 3-4 times during the growing season. After the snow melts, it is worth waiting for a while, since the moisture will quickly wash the mineral fertilizers out of the ground. When the soil dries up a little, you can start the procedure.
- Optimal feeding times
The next stage of fertilization will be mid-April, then early June. For beds with poor non-chernozem soil compositions, additional fertilization of garlic can be carried out in mid-May.
- Mineral fertilizers
At the very beginning of growth, garlic requires nitrogen-containing fertilizers (urea, nitrophoska). Phosphorus and potassium ready-made compounds (superphosphate and potassium salt) will not be superfluous. To successfully survive return frosts, you can treat the bulbs with growth stimulants (for example, "Zircon").
- Organic feed
It is necessary to use natural fertilizer separately from mineral formulations. As an excellent fertilizer, suitable: chicken droppings, manure, mullein, humus, wood ash.
- When fertilization is harmful
When carrying out the feeding procedure, it is important to follow the manufacturer's instructions. Using organic fertilizers, remember that chicken manure, mullein can burn delicate roots and stems if the concentration of the solution is not observed.
Align the acid-base balance
Acidic and moderately acidic soils can worsen the condition of the garlic tops. To reduce the acidity of the soil, you need to add dolomite flour or wood ash to the ground.
Success in growing garlic depends on many factors. The procedures described above will help gardeners cope with many problems and allow them to grow a healthy large crop.
Read also: Cucumber leaves turn yellow - how to fight?
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