BS-3: Soviet cannon that stopped the formidable Tigers

  • Nov 15, 2021
BS-3: Soviet cannon that stopped the formidable Tigers

German tanks of the first half of World War II and German tanks of the second half are somewhat different vehicles. The point here is not only the Tiger tanks that appeared in 1942. The design idea did not stand still, trying, as far as possible, not only to create new destruction vehicles, but also to significantly modernize those that were already in service with the Wehrmacht. One of the responses to the German armor was the Soviet BS-3 cannon.

The famous cannon. Photo:
The famous cannon. / Photo:
The famous cannon. / Photo:

The Soviet Union resolutely responded to the development of German tanks during the Second World War with the development of anti-tank artillery and self-propelled guns. "Openers" for "Tigers", "Panthers" and "Panzerkampfvagen" were constantly improved. The development of a new weapon was initiated by a decree of the State Defense Committee of the USSR of April 1943. At the same time, a technical task was presented for designers to create a 100-mm cannon. The development was headed by the Soviet designer-gunsmith Vasily Gavrilovich Grabin.

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They beat Tiger in the forehead. / Photo:
They beat Tiger in the forehead. / Photo:

Officially, the new weapon was called the 1944 Model 100mm Field Cannon. In the Soviet army, she received the index designation BS-3. The first samples were sent to the front in early 1944. In total, Soviet industry produced 3,818 of these guns. Most of them were sent to the anti-tank artillery brigades. In addition, part of the BS-3 was supplied to the light artillery brigades, which were part of the tank armies. The Soviet AT-P all-terrain vehicle dragged behind such guns.

An excellent weapon. / Photo:
An excellent weapon. / Photo:

Used BS-3 to combat absolutely any enemy tanks, including "Tigers" and "Royal Tigers". The gun performed well both at short and long distances. Due to the high range of fire, the indicator of which could reach 20 kilometers 650 meters, BS-3 in the composition of the corps were often used as a means of counter-battery warfare (against enemy artillery). The rate of fire of the anti-tank gun reached 8-10 rounds per minute, depending on the preparedness of the crew.

After the war, it did not go anywhere. / Photo:
After the war, it did not go anywhere. / Photo:

After World War II, the gun was not scrapped, but continued to be used. It was in service with the USSR until the collapse of the country, and then it was used until 2011 by the armed forces of the Russian Federation. During the Cold War, the gun was supplied to dozens of countries of the socialist camp. In many of them, she continues to be in service to this day.

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Used to this day. / Photo:
Used to this day. / Photo:

Continuing the topic, read about what is divine artillery: what are the heavy guns "Peony" and "Malka".
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