Saving tips that will help get rid of underarm sweat stains

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Tips to help save his reputation.
Tips to help save his reputation.

Summer - sun, sea, beach and... wet underarms and stains on clothes. Enjoy a little, and if a common man can wear a T-shirt with a deep cut in the armpit, and this will protect yourself from such hassles, it is unacceptable for office workers. However, there is a solution that will help to eliminate the traces of sweat, but rather to prevent their occurrence, and everything is done very simply.

Saving clothes and reputation.
Saving clothes and reputation.

Occasionally some lucky manage to find the most ideal antiperspirant that guarantees 100% protection from sweat, the only thing they do well - to eliminate the smell. But to escape from the "wet" problems will help the most simple baby powder! Yes, it was she, and still need to iron.

Baby powder as salvation.
Baby powder as salvation.

The next time, after wash clothes, perform such an operation by expanding the product inside and potential vulnerabilities, such as the back and armpits, with small quantities powder. Then carefully proutyuzhte these places. Heat prints each powder in tissue and traces of it will be left for a few seconds, but formed a reliable barrier against bacteria and moisture. Here's a simple and effective "deodorant", which is applied directly to clothing. And one more pleasure from such a process - now you will forget about the yellow traces of armpits, which are very difficult to get rid of.

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Ah, the white powder!
Ah, the white powder!

Especially for those who have already faced a similar problem, and now does not know how to save the clothes, tips, how to get yellow stains from perspiration and deodorant with white things.

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