Fighting for the harvest of pepper: why plants wither in the open field and what do I do with it

  • Nov 19, 2021

Bell peppers are one of the most delicious and healthy vegetables grown in garden plots. The many dishes that can be prepared from it make peppers attractive to grow along with other vegetable crops such as cucumbers and tomatoes. But unfortunately, having often made considerable efforts to plant pepper seedlings, we are surprised to find withered bushes in the garden. Why this happens and how to avoid it, today I will tell you in my article.

Bulgarian pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Bulgarian pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Bulgarian pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

The main causes of wilting seedlings

Pepper is quite capricious and demanding in care. Low resistance to diseases, pests and cold weather, increased demands on light and temperature conditions - all this determines the nature of caring for the planted plant. In order for the paprika to grow on a healthy site and delight you with tasty fruits, you need to pay attention to the following factors:

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  • Adequate amount of light

Plant peppers in light-colored areas so that nearby plants don't shade naughty bushes.

  • Moderate watering

Excessive and superficial moisture can destroy delicate seedlings.

  • Fertile soil

Before planting paprika in open ground or greenhouses, be sure to thoroughly prepare the soil.

  • Air humidity and drafts

If you plant paprika in greenhouses, remember to ventilate the area periodically.

Pepper seedlings. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pepper seedlings. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Disease is the reason for getting stuck

If you do not process pepper seedlings in time, then the likelihood of the bushes being affected by various diseases is high. The most common are: septoria, late blight, white and gray rot.

Late blight

When the leaf plate is damaged by large brown spots and the fruit decays, it is safe to determine that this is late blight. Most often, late varieties of peppers are exposed to the disease.

Gray rot

High humidity in greenhouses provokes the spread of this disease. Leaves, stems and fruits are affected.


A very dangerous pest that can destroy all your efforts to grow a crop of peppers. Leaves and stems are affected, after which the plant dries up.

White rot

It affects the root part of the pepper, the fruits become soft and watery. The vegetable is not suitable for food.

White rot. Illustration for the article is used from the site
White rot. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Various fungicidal preparations, as well as ready-made compositions, which can be purchased in stores, will help fight diseases.


Many dangerous insects like to feast on delicious pepper: slugs, aphids, spider mites. Even the Colorado potato beetle happily attacks green vegetable tops. In the fight against pests, there are both folk remedies and various chemical compositions. For example, wood ash, garlic water, hydrated lime will help fight most insects.

Inaccuracies in care

Watering, feeding and timely processing are the main conditions for growing any vegetable crop. Remember:

  1. Peppers need to be watered regularly with warm water. However, waterlogging of the soil can lead to shedding of leaves.
  2. Fertilizing with nitrogen, potash and phosphorus compounds is also necessary in a reasonable amount.
  3. Direct sunlight can burn delicate vegetation. Shade the bushes during the hot summer hours.
  4. Protect seedlings from drafts and high humidity.

Can you prevent it?

Prevention of pepper diseases is very important. First and foremost, choose only quality seeds for planting. Sow them to get seedlings in a timely manner, no earlier than mid-March. Choose the right place to grow peppers in the future. Do not plant seedlings in beds after potatoes, eggplants, and tomatoes. Prepare the soil by carefully removing all weeds.

Growing healthy peppers without the slightest effort will most likely not work. But for all your labors, the plant will thank you with a generous harvest of delicious fruits.

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#pepper#pepper disease#ways to fight#growing peppers