Outrageously simple way to get rid of things, "the smell of the closet"

  • Dec 24, 2019

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If things hanging in the closet smelled musty.
If things hanging in the closet smelled musty.

Few people think that it (and especially her) closet stored a fortune. Yes, the wardrobe can often compete for the title of the most expensive places in the house. And for that not even need to be Philip Bedrosovich. And all the more disappointing when after storage in the closet things smell musty, like an entire year lay on the collapse of second-hand. Get rid of the unpleasant effects will help one little trick. Recommended by the famous Martha Stewart!

Martha Stewart is not bad advise.
Martha Stewart is not bad advise.

Martha Stewart - an expert in the field of cleaning, cleanliness and comfort of the global scale. So that by it you can listen to the advice of a clear conscience. And she's just a woman who loves beautiful things. And to her clothes always remained fresh even months sagged in the closet, Martha came up with a trick. Repeat it simple.

And where did this strange smell?
And where did this strange smell?

If you also notice that your favorite things' wardrobe smell "that

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the reason for it - high humidity. That it promotes the growth of bacteria, which provoke an unpleasant smell of damp. So that moisture does not accumulate in the tissue fibers in the closet need to settle the original "vlagootvod". And this role will cope best ordinary chalk.

Neutral "magic" chalk.
Neutral "magic" chalk.

Martha Stewart recommends buy any cheap crayons for school or children's creativity, to get them out of the box and easily decompose in the closet and drawers. A arty person can tie a ribbon and hang crayons, as it did in the master class itself Martha.

Chalk will absorb any excess moisture and thus quietly save you and the smell of damp clothes. A change crayons can be no more than twice a year.

Simple and cute.
Simple and cute.

And then you can look at 15 needed for the order of things, peeped in apartments perfectionists.

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