When you will be presented with a bouquet of roses, notice that after some time on the stems will form straight from the tin shoots. And then there is the desire - to give another life culture growing out of her new flower. Adhere to certain rules, and all will certainly succeed.
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- Wait until the bouquet will wither. Of stems should be cut cuttings (the handle - at least three of the kidneys).
- You then need a knife to make an oblique cut at the kidney and straight cut half a centimeter above the kidneys. If there are leaves, remove the bottom completely, the top - by 1/2.
- To help root crops, use the special tool (for example, Kornevinom or IAA), it should be diluted and put the cuttings to twelve or fourteen hours.
- Prepare a container with loose soil (you can buy a special soil for roses). Plant Cuttings slant, making sure that the kidney was the average over the ground, a little above the surface. Zemelku around the cuttings should be a little umyat.
- Further it is necessary to cut the plastic bottle in half (remove the cover). Cover the cuttings of its upper part. A suitable temperature range - twenty-five degrees Celsius.
- Culture spray five to six times per day the settled warm water. Periodically can conduct spraying a weak solution of zirconium or Alpin. Zemelku in the tank should be kept moist.
Cuttings grow roses in kartoshinu
Dig a trench in the open soil, protected from wind and pour the sand. In the summer, during flowering, from young shoots of roses are formed to be inclined to cut using secateurs. Choose straight, not curved shoots, which will multiply rapidly. Cut them into long stalks of about twenty-three centimeters.
Then you need to remove leaves and thorns from the lower part. 2 / 3uglubite cuttings into the soil, sprinkle on top of black earth.
Next - to carry the cuttings watered throughout the summer season, so they have taken root. But the feature that is the - cuttings stuck in a young kartoshinu, through which they will always be in a wet environment. Cuttings will be able to successfully take root and by the end of the summer season to "prepare" for transplanting.
Using a potato can be grown excellent seedlings. Just do not forget to remove kartoshinu rostochku.
original article and many other materials can be found on our website.
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