Always fresh peas on my windowsill: growing secrets

  • Nov 23, 2021

A mini-vegetable garden with aromatic herbs and some other crops, including peas, is located on my windowsill. The care is simple, the cultivation technique is available, so it is worth adopting my experience.

Peas on my windowsill. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Peas on my windowsill. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Peas on my windowsill. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Seat selection

For year-round cultivation, I place containers of peas on the windowsill. I choose a room with good lighting. In winter, I install phytolamps next to the mini-garden.

Before the onset of frost, an unglazed balcony is suitable for pea bushes.

If the loggia (balcony) is well insulated, then you can cultivate peas on it for a long time. Only in severe frosts will the containers have to be brought into the room.

Seed preparation

The quality of the peas used for planting has an important influence on the yield. I carefully examine the seeds, rejecting damaged specimens with traces of rot and mold.

Pea seeds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
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Pea seeds. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

In order to select full-weight peas, I 1 tbsp. l. I dilute fine-grained salt without residue in slightly warmed water (1 l). I fill the peas with the solution. I throw out all pop-up instances. I rinse the peas remaining at the bottom with clean water.

For disinfection, I prepare a solution (2%) of potassium permanganate. I keep the seed in it for 15 minutes. The peas are now ready to plant. They can be immediately placed in prepared containers.

I prefer pre-germination. I spread the peas in one layer between wet wipes. As soon as sprouts appear, I immediately sow.

Planting peas

I use a loose nutrient substrate for filling containers (wooden, plastic). I buy it ready-made.

I slightly moisten the surface of the soil. I outline the grooves, leaving a gap of 5-6 cm between them. Planting depth - 40 mm. The spacing in the row between the peas is 2-2.5 cm.

I dive the seedlings from the common container in individual pots after the formation of 2-3 leaves on them. I water the seedlings beforehand. After 2 hours, I carefully remove the young plants. I transfer it to a prepared container with a lump of earth.

Planting peas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Planting peas. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©


I water the peas until buds form every 3-4 days with settled water at room temperature. During the period of active flowering, and then during fruiting, I irrigate three times a week.

I systematically practice loosening the substrate. I install reliable supports for the grown plants. To do this, I drive in strong wooden pegs. I pull a thin cord or fishing line between them.

For the entire growing season I spend 4 dressings. First, I add the nutrient composition at the planting stage. Then potash-phosphorus fertilizers will be required when the peas begin to bloom. The interval between dressings is 14-15 days.

Preventive measures are also required. To prevent possible diseases and the appearance of harmful insects, I use special insecticides and fungicides, choosing ready-made forms.

When cultivating early varieties, pea bushes after planting begin to bloom in a month. After another 30 days, full-weight pods filled with delicious peas already appear. The yield of each plant reaches 0.5 kg.

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#peas on the windowsill#growing and care#selection of pea seeds