Top 10 best bell peppers for canning - they never fail, they turn out delicious and don't creep

  • Nov 25, 2021

Bell pepper is a unique vegetable with many varieties that differ not only in appearance, but also in bright taste and aroma. Today I want to talk about canning sweet peppers and the varieties that are most suitable for this purpose.

Bulgarian pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Bulgarian pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Bulgarian pepper. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

On what grounds do we choose fruits

  • Peppers of any maturity are suitable for seaming - from green to dark red.
  • It is best to take fleshy specimens with a wall thickness of at least 4 mm.
  • Choose large fruits weighing more than 80 g.
  • Peppers of different colors look more interesting when preserved.
  • The taste of paprika should be rich and sweet with a slight bitterness.

I tried to grow different varieties on my site. I want to tell you about the 10 most successful for conservation.

Top 10 best varieties


Medium ripening period with high yield up to 17 kg per square meter. Prismatic maroon fruits are very large (up to 16 cm in diameter). The weight of one copy is 35-500 g, the density of the walls is up to 7 mm. The pepper is very tasty, with a special aroma.

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It has an early ripening period and long-term fruiting with a good yield up to 15 kg per square meter. Pepper is yellow-orange in color. The length of one specimen is 15 cm, in diameter it reaches 9-10 cm. Fruits are large, up to 300-350 g with fleshy walls up to 8 mm. They keep their shape well when canning. The pulp is sweet, dense, does not disintegrate when preserved

Pepper variety Bogdan. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pepper variety Bogdan. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Lilac bell

A unique type of bell pepper of very early ripening. It has an unusual color - from rich cherry color to dark purple. Fruits of medium size (length 10 cm, diameter 5-6 cm and weight up to 130 g) have very fleshy walls up to 6 mm. Pepper has a pleasant sweet taste. Very good for general preservation.


Ripens early, with a high yield of up to 2 kg per bush. It has large smooth fruits in the form of a juicy-red cone weighing up to 200 g and wall thickness up to 6 mm. The flesh of the fruit is dense, juicy, with a pleasant taste.

Pepper variety Ideal. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©
Pepper variety Ideal. Illustration for this article is used under a standard license ©

Gogoshary (Ratunda)

Mid-season type of pepper, developed in Moldova. Abundant fruiting and high yield (up to 2.5 kg per bush). It is very unpretentious, but does not like cold weather, therefore, unlike other varieties, I grow it only in a greenhouse. The fruits are round, squat, outwardly reminiscent of a small pumpkin. They reach 20 cm in diameter, weighing up to 220 g. Walls - 8 mm. They are distinguished by excellent taste.


An early ripe unpretentious species with a yield of up to 2 kg per bush. The fruits are not very large, weighing up to 110 g, with an elongated conical shape and a bright carrot color. Wall thickness up to 6.5 mm. Good for general canning.

Chocolate handsome

Early maturing and high-yielding species with large fleshy chocolate-colored fruits. It is up to 15 cm long and 14 cm wide. The mass of one copy is about 150 g. Pericarp thickness up to 8 mm. Very sweet and aromatic. It is very good in any kind of preservation.

Chocolate handsome. Illustration for the article is used from the site
Chocolate handsome. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Cockatoo red

One of the new hybrids (2015). Juicy red color with a very pleasant taste. Rapid ripening and abundant fruiting (up to 1.5-2 kg per bush). Fruits are ultra-large, weighing up to 500 g and 25-30 cm in length. The shape is slightly curved, reminiscent of a parrot's beak. The density of the walls reaches 8 mm.

Cockatoo yellow

An early hybrid with a high yield (up to 2.5 kg per bush). It is distinguished by its excellent sweet taste. The fruit is similar in shape to the Red Cockatoo variety, but lemon-colored. Weight up to 200 g, wall thickness up to 7 mm.

The cockatoo is yellow. Illustration for the article is used from the site
The cockatoo is yellow. Illustration for the article is used from the site

Red Bull

An early variety with a high yield. The fruits are tetrahedral, cuboid, deep red in color with a wall density of up to 8 mm, a diameter of 9-10 cm and a length of 15-18 cm. Differs in a very pleasant taste and is versatile in use both fresh and for preservation.

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#varieties of peppers#bell pepper#pepper preservation