Winter has just begun, but the heat in the house is no longer enough! I decided to put the stove on, although I doubted for a very long time. Pros and cons

  • Dec 02, 2021

Modern technologies are tightly included in our life. Solar panels are very popular today. However, I decided to do it the old fashioned way, organizing stove heating at home. Some will support me, others will not understand. But I made my choice for a reason.

I have been living in my new country house for the second year. Last winter I was uncomfortable and cold, so this year I will decide not to repeat my mistakes.

Winter has just begun, but the heat in the house is no longer enough! I decided to put the stove on, although I doubted for a very long time. Pros and cons
In the last cold season, I used 2 convectors with a capacity of 1500 watts to heat the house. Note that the total volume of the house is about 300 cubic meters.

When there were severe frosts outside, the temperature inside the house did not rise above 12 degrees. Despite this, I received huge electricity bills: at least 4 thousand rubles a month.

I decided that this year everything will be different!

I came to the conclusion that stove heating in the house is more profitable and efficient. After clearing the site, I have enough firewood left, which will also help me save.

What are the disadvantages of stove heating I have found for myself:

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  • Constantly dragging firewood into the house, you can not avoid dirt.
  • The oven is difficult to maintain and needs to be learned. What is just the preparation of firewood, the nuances of heating, cleaning the chimney, etc.
  • Everything will have to be done by hand, the oven is not designed for automation. And this time, strength and patience!

It's one thing when the stove is in the country. It is enough to heat it once a month. And in the house you will have to do it every day.

However, I still decided to take this step! He who does not risk it freezes in winter!

Of the advantages of stove heating, I highlighted the following:

  • I will not depend on electricity. Outside the city, power outages often occur, especially in cold weather. But even in the dark, I will not freeze, and you can always run to the nearby forest for firewood.
  • If I do everything right, I can save a lot. Even buying birch logs for money will come out less than paying for electricity.
  • The house will create a pleasant atmosphere from burning and crackling firewood.

I remember my childhood when I was visiting my grandmother in the village. She constantly stoked the stove and a pleasant warmth gradually spread through the house, which cannot be compared with any air conditioner or electric heater.

After a while, I will share with you my impressions of stove heating.

Maybe I'm overly idealizing wood and stove. Maybe in time I will return to electric heaters again. But all this will come later. In the meantime, I am actively equipping stove heating and cherishing dreams of a warm home in winter!

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