Gasification is spreading through our village, but we are in no hurry to connect our house. Why do we refuse to connect gas?

  • Dec 08, 2021

The main problem of private houses in the cold season is the organization of heating. In old villages, many people use wood to heat the stove, but this option is not suitable for everyone.

So we gave it up and wondered what kind of heating to choose for our home. After consulting with the household, we came to the conclusion that the heating should be autonomous so that we do not have to constantly monitor the amount of firewood and coal, buy them, etc.

Gasification is spreading through our village, but we are in no hurry to connect our house. Why do we refuse to connect gas?

Then we were left with two main options: gas and electric heating. Ultimately, the second option prevailed. Certainly, some would disagree with our decision and make a choice in favor of gas. I will try to explain my decision.

Gas heating is an excellent option, which we cannot afford yet.

When we bought a plot, I found out what benefits of civilization we would be able to bring to it. Not far from our house there is a central heating main. The house stands on a small street in 8 houses.

One of our neighbors gave up central heating a couple of years ago and installed a pellet boiler in the house. I would like to note that he has an impressive living space - more than 230 square meters.
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Other neighbors, from which we are separated by 3 houses, use centralized heating, but their dwelling area is slightly more than 180 square meters. In winter, they receive receipts every month for gas in the amount of 5-8 thousand rubles. According to neighbors, it is not so hot in their house, given the amount they have to pay. Therefore, in some rooms, they even installed additional electric heaters. It turns out that you have to pay more for electricity too.

Compared to our neighbors, our house is modest - 120 square meters. We calculated that with gas heating we would have to spend from 5 thousand rubles a month. But this did not scare much, because we pay no less for electricity.

Another factor became key. About 20% of houses in our city are private. In total, we have 8 boiler houses and a coal-fired power plant that heats high-rise buildings. To make the tariffs more or less equal, the boiler houses were financed from the city budget.

But recently the situation has changed, the city has stopped investing in boiler houses. As a result, tariffs have skyrocketed. We decided to wait to see how much we would eventually have to pay. If the tariffs are acceptable, it will not be difficult to connect to the boiler room. If the amounts are prohibitive, then we will continue to use electricity to heat the house.

Why didn't gas heating suit us?

Our town has a central highway that runs just outside our house. To connect to it you need to pay more 250 thousand rubles. Even if the receipts for gas are less than for electricity, it is difficult to collect the initial amount.

In our city, gas can be connected 1.5 thousand houses. But few use this function - about 180 houses. Not everyone can take and lay out 250 thousand rubles.

I would like to note that we paid a little more than 500 rubles for the supply of electricity to the site. As a result, we have 3 phases of 15 kW. As one of the neighbors said, tens of thousands of rubles had to be paid for this service ten years ago. But today it costs mere pennies.

I hope that in the future it will not be necessary to pay much for gas connection. The city authorities have invested a considerable sum in the organization of the gas network, and residents do not use gas because they cannot afford it. If the pipes are not used, they will fail.

So we are waiting for the gasification of the house to become cheaper in order to connect to the central highway. In the meantime, we are heated by electricity.

Moreover, 250 thousand we just don't have it yet!))

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