Modular house in which to live comfortably and in the cold and in the heat

  • Dec 24, 2019

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Coodo - the most practical modular home.
Coodo - the most practical modular home.

As the population is growing, and the earth at the same time does not increase its area, scientists and architects offer all move to a more compact housing. As a successful variant of proposed small modular homes an unusual rectangular form with rounded corners. It's funny, but even these homes do not need to build - they are collected at the factory and delivered to a place in already finished form.

Authors of the project - the German company LTG Lofts to go.
Authors of the project - the German company LTG Lofts to go.

Novelty called Coodo presented the German firm LTG Lofts to go. Their houses are a team of design, which is easy to install, even on a very small piece of land.

Houses manufactured from quality and high-tech material with excellent insulating properties. All this allows you to set the house in any climatic zones. The house has a wonderful sound insulation, which is provided by triple glazing. Installed microfilter produce air filtration and guarantee a comfortable level of humidity in the house. Such housing is especially appeal to fans of smart technologies, because almost all of their home can be controlled remotely from a smartphone.

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Coodo - house, with whom you can go to the beach.
Coodo - house, with whom you can go to the beach.
Coodo - a two-story modular home.
Coodo - a two-story modular home.

Actual size of such structures may be different from 36 and to 96 m2. However Coodo application is not limited to the housing sector. Architects propose to use this building as floating houses, saunas, and small shops they can also be arranged. Given the size of such structures, problems with finding the place will not be exact - they placed almost anywhere.
To their destination ready design transported by truck, and the unloading process only takes a couple of hours, and sometimes even a few minutes, depending on the specific size.

Coodo - comfortable holiday in the mountains.
Coodo - comfortable holiday in the mountains.
Coodo - house, which is good for any type of terrain and climate.
Coodo - house, which is good for any type of terrain and climate.

For those interested in the topic of effective modern housing, will love Modular cabin area of ​​only 42 square meters. meters, which will fit even the most narrow section.

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